lørdag den 14. maj 2022

Nyt på Ugle-TV -- News from Owl-Livestream

Mindst et af æggne på Ugle-TV er klækket i dag!
Skærmdump følger, når jeg får et godt et.
I dagens anledning delte vi en UgleØl.

Uglemor bliver nok aldrig nogen fan af øl, Men Skribenten, Hvalrossen og to af Ugleungerne kunne godt lide den - så får jeg flasken 😉

--- 🦉🥚🥚🥚 ---

At least one of the eggs in the livestream Owls' nest has hatched.
I'll post screenshots, when I succeed in getting any!
We celebrated by sharing an OwlBeer.

No MotherOwl is no fan of beer, but The Writer, The Walrus and two of the Owlets did like it. And I get to have the bottle 😉

3 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful, wonderful news. I went to the livestream (of course). The owl was dozing, but there was a really insistent insect buzzing, that was very loud. The microphones attached to that livestream are really, really good.

  2. It's a nice bottle too. What will you use it for?
    I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the baby owls when you can get them.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.