torsdag den 5. maj 2022

En kvadratmeter hør - 💠 - One Square Metre Flax

De nordiske håndarbejdsforeninger har sat et initiativ i gang med at dyrke en kvadratmeter hør. De siger selvfølgelig en masse om bæredygtighed og sådan, men jeg betragter det mere som en øjenåbner, der skal lære os hvor meget arbejde der ligger bag en T-shirt; og så en bestræbelse for at holde liv i de gamle håndværk.
     Lige meget hvad, jeg meldte mig til. Og fik et hør-kit sendt med posten. Kittet består af 10 g hørfrø, en historie om hørdyrkning, en logbog og et skilt.

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The Nordic Crafting Associations have started an initiative called One Square Metre Flax / 1 sq m flax. They of course say a lot about sustainability and so on, but I like to see it as an endeavour to make us aware just how much work one T-shirt represents, and to revive, or keep alive the old skills.
No matter what I signed up, and received a packet in the mail.  It contained 10 grams of flax seeds, a diary, a story about a flax-growing lady, and a sign for the square metre.

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Jeg læste historien, og forstod at det var vigtigt med ukrudtsfri jord for hør at gro i.

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I read through the story, and grasped the importance of having weed free soil for the flax to grow well.

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Men det bed, jeg havde tænkt mig at bruge til en kvadratmeter hør, så sådan her ud. Jeg har brug for hjælp!
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But the bed, I had intended for my square metre looked like this. I needed help!

Heldigvis har jeg seks hjælpere, der hellere end gerne vil hjælpe mig med at få alt det grønne væk. Og et par Ugleunger, der kan overtales til at hjælpe med at flytte dem.
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But as luck will have it, I have six willing helpers, and some Owlets who can be bribed to help me move said helpers.

Da hønsene havde gjort deres del af arbejdet og atter var i sikkerhed i hønsegården, tog jeg fat. Først med en greb. Det var godt nok hårdt!
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When the hens had done their part, and were back in their yard, I took a garden fork and began the hard work.

Næste dag tog jeg så fat med en håndkultivator. Der var godt nok mange rødder. De ligger til venstre for bedet på billedet her.
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What a lot of roots! I used a small hand cultivator. All the roots lie to the left in this photo.

Og så blev de 10 g hørfrø sået. De meget stikkende grene er en vildrose. De skal holde fugle, duer og katte væk.
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Then I sowed the 10 grams of flax seeds. The purpose of the thorny branches, a wild rose, is to keep off birds, doves and cats.

Så håber vi bare på regn og sol i rette mængder. Og husker at luge.
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Now to hope for the right amounts of sunshine and rain. And remember to weed!

6 kommentarer:

  1. I love your helpers. I could do with them here. And sadly those very weedy shots could have been taken here too.
    Good luck with your project.

    1. Thank you. My helpers are good at nipping away all the green. Unfortunately they're not much help with the roots. Weeds seem universal ;)

  2. You've done a lot of work already, i hope you do get plenty of sun and rain and good growth.

    1. This was one sq. metre out of too many. But I'll get there, I hope. Thank you.

  3. You did a lot of work there and I hope the flax grows well. The chickens did a good job too. I love their coop resting on the skids (strips of wood) so they can be slid along.

    1. Yes this makes for easy transport. Moving the chiockens are worse. They won't collaborate and run away, and flap their wings like mad hens whan caught. But they are not strong or heavy enough. We win!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.