mandag den 2. maj 2022

A-Z Reflection Post

I survived the 2022 A - Z Challenge. I wrote 16 posts out of 26

The A-Z Challenge invites us to reflect over the past months postings.

I have copy-pasted from their site -  purple coloured text is theirs, standard black is my answers.:

 Time to reflect on the 2022 A to Z Challenge and visit and comment on each other's reflection posts.
Here are some ideas to help you write it:

  1.     Give consideration to how the A to Z Challenge impacted your blog.

  2. I wrote a bit more than I normally do. On the other hand I sorely neglected some of the other challenges, I like to do: Words for Wednesday, Poetry Monday and Sunday Selections.

  3.     View your stats to see how the last 30 days changed your blog view numbers.

  4. I can see no change in my stats. I had a couple of new visitors passing by and dropping a comment or two. But visits per post stays at 20-30 as they have done for years. No complaints here, because visits or not is not the reason I write, nor is it the reason I participate in any Challenge. Of course I like my posts to be read, who does not? But I'd like readers to stay on my blog because they like what they read, rather than to pass by and comment as a part of a challenge.

  5.     Make an observation about how many comments you got on your April posts.

  6. Lots from my usual readers - THANKS! for your support!
    And 5 from one time passers by.

  7.     Contemplate what you learned from making posts during the Challenge.

  8. I learned that I'm better at writing posts on obscure clues than I thought, and worse at finding obscure clues than I expected.

  9.     What gave you the idea for your Challenge Theme, if you used one?

  10. Duality - Dreams, the theme set by the A-Z crew.

  11.     Did any blogs you visited in the Challenge make a lasting impression on you?

  12. No, unfortunately not. I tried visiting a few from the master list, also re-visited those who left a comment on my blog. Decent people all of them. But most just did not strike any sparks. Lots of honest, hard-working artists and writers promoting their books and works.

  13.     Perhaps meditate on how to express your thoughts about the Challenge this year.

  14. Too much promotion of  books, ideas, and ideologies, too little "just blogging".

  15.     Give an opinion on any of the three #AZchat events from this year.

  16. I haven't any as I did not listen. I am strange that way, listening, my thoughts just start to wander, so I did not even try to join.

  17.     What impact did the Challenge have on your social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)?

  18. None. I don't mix blogging and Social Media. Social media is for me a working instrument. I use it for plant dye recipes, tips and tricks, soap making disaster help, and to keep in touch with my family.

  19.     Rumination about the A to Z Challenge can help the team improve!

  20.  I would like to go back to basics. A-Z Challenge is for me a blogging event running from April 1st to 30th. With of course a sign up-post in March and a round up one in May. Doing a Sign up AND a theme reveal is overkill; it feels like let's keep the pot boiling-posts to me, not really any contents. And all this "Go and visit others", "Leave comments to get comments", "How many new comments can you get?", "How many new blogs can you visit?" just turns me off. 

  21.     This year included a deliberation to find another graphic person after the loss of Jeremy. Muse about the imagination and talent of Anjela.

  22. I liked Lissa's badge better. Not saying that Anjela's is bad. But I think her badge is flickering? fuzzy? don't know the right word. It should be clear and crisp to be able to show off in thumbnail as well.

  23.     What is your impression of the A to Z Team?

  24. Hard-working and dedicated team. I admire your stamina. But you are fighting so hard to make this a Social Media event. Maybe too hard? Keep it as a blogging event.

  25.     After much cogitation, let your pensiveness reflect in your post.

  26. I write my blog. I like to follow the blogs of other people , but I ... well all this pushing and promoting is not my coup of tea.

  27.     Did any dreams or goals you set come to fruition during this April Challenge?

  28. Not really. I wrote more of happenings big and small.

  29.     Please tell everyone if you picked up any sweet merchandise this year.

  30. No, I did not. For me the A-Z Challenge is an online thing.

The A to Z team would LOVE to know your thoughts on NEXT YEAR!
  • What needs to change?

  • Having both a sign up and a theme reveal list. Make it into one. And make the link to blogs in the master list clickable. Less importance on other Social media.

  • What should stay the same?

  • The time scheme. Having a new badge.  Sign up and reflection posts.

  • What theme do you think we'll use?

  • I have no ideas. One as versatile as the past years. You're quite good in the theme-finding department!

  • Comment here, hit up our social media, or put it in your reflection post.

  • I find the looking for comments, counting your comment, making commenting on other blogs into some kind of a competition and this kind of endeavours a bit frenetic. Like the hunting for "likes" on Social media. Blogging is not like other Social media, it's a slow media, a friendship-forming one. Let blogging keep its distinctive character.
    If this carries on, I think I'm not going to participate next year, or at least not sign up on any lists.

    I just had to show you this - the exact thing I do not like about this challenge. People going from blog to blog commenting and either doing like the one below or just leaving a link in their comment without even trying to say something intelligent in their comments. This is NOT to hang out this one blogger, I have just deleted the rest of this kind of comments already.

27 kommentarer:

  1. 1- Like you, I also wrote more than usual but I suppose more posts equals more words.

    2- Same with me. No changes. I also have people dropping by and leaving some comments but like you, I do prefer readers to stick around because they want to and not came by as part of a task of a challenge.

    It's true that some people only visits you because of the challenge but a few of them do come back later.

    3- I did count comments but like you, I have my usual readers and few that are passing by.

    4- Writhing or writing?

    6- Same here. I think my interest is too narrow that I find most blogs does not interest me.

    8- I didn't join in the chats either because what exactly would I talk about?

    10- I don't mind the theme reveal, I think they should stop using the master list and just have the theme reveal list. I suppose some people might think they need themes and probably skip that list.

    11- It is a preference but I like my badge better too but I've not used any of the graphics since I started the challenge.

    I think it's shame that the a-z challenge has become a bit too much like social media. I like your idea bout blogging and hanging out and making friends and not just to try to get comments. We all want readers but perhaps we concentrate too much on getting more readers instead of just being friendly.

    Congrats on finishing the challenge. I think posting 16 posts is pretty good. I know someone who quitted after the B posts so...

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts.

      4. Writing. I had already corrected before your comment ;)
      10. Yeah. Same-same ... drop one of the lists :D

  2. This challenge puts all others to shame! What a huge commitment! I am in awe of everyone who completes it. Well done! Very well done!

    1. Thank you. I did not complete it, but I survived it ;) I hope to have more time for Words and Poems now.

  3. Congratulations. I am far too lazy to even think about participating in this challenge - and it WOULD be a challenge for me. I enjoyed your posts immensely, as I always do.

    1. Thank you. I hope to return to normal blogging soon

  4. I appreciate your straight up approach. More isn't better it's just more. I too like to keep this is a blogging event.
    Good to meet you even if it's on reflection day.
    My Reflection

    1. Thank you. I was a long time pressing "Publish". because this kind of straightforwardness has gotten me into troubles in the blogging world at an earlier date. But then I decided to be honest and true to myself. Thanks for your support. It means a lot to me.
      Good to meet you as well. I'll come by and read about your dragons.

  5. You have some very good insights here. Like you, i don't go counting visits and comments, the whole thing is just for fun, to give me a little extra challenge once a year as i write.

    1. Released from limbo ;) Yes the fun is what counts, and challenging yourself.

  6. I admire, appreciate, agree with, and applaud your forthrightness here, Charlotte. I have never taken part in any writing challenge except Poetry Monday, which has basically no rules and no pressure. In looking at other challenges I have been put off by the same things you wrote about. Everybody's different and I'm sure some folks thrive on that, but it's not for me.

    1. Thank you Jenny!
      Poetry Monday is one of the most laid-back and best challenges know of. Words for Wednesday is almost the same, as are Elephant's Child's Sunday Selections. As I told, I have been "hit over the head" for my forthrightness earlier in the blogging world. Your support warms my heart.
      Your last line about us being different is one of the thoughts I repeat frequently. I think furthermore we should stand up for tother peoples' rigths to be different.

  7. Number 11; things that flicker are one thing I hate, having something within vision range constantly changing is very annoying and I don't stay at those blogs for long. For my brother, something like that would trigger his epilepsy, for me it just makes a headache.

    1. So true. Blogs with filckering thingies are bda. Worse: Our public service online news has begun this :::. It makes my vision blur, not headachey, fortunately, just blurring. Poor brother. Some sites come with a warning, but I suspect only official ones.

  8. Congrats on surviving the challenge. I know that not everyone's themes were for me, but I visited and commented at least once on every blog on the master list (was well as visiting back those who commented). The point is blogging more, even if the hosts are trying to get us to me more inclusive with social media -- I tried it with Instagram this year, and had some fun with it.

    Ronel visiting for A-Z Challenge Reflections 2022

    1. Wow, that was a lot of reading and commenting. Well done. I did not do as much blogging as i would have liked, mainly due to health isues.
      I have an Instagram account, but it never really hooked me, I follow some bloggers, friends and family, but I do not go there each day, as I do with my blog. Plus so many IG posts now are small video clips, moving and flickering. :(

  9. I have some of the same feelings. Those parts I dislike, I just ignore, like the social media stuff. I do try to visit, but sometimes it's hard to come up with a comment and then I just keep moving.
    Glad you survived!

    1. Thanks. It seems we agree. I normally also just ignore those parts - I did so all of April actually ;) Normally I'm not so outspoken in my critique; but they asked, and then I asked myself: "How can the crew change, renew or keep the same the A-Z if they do not get our honest input." and decided to say what I meant also about the things I was not so happy with.

  10. Somehow i thought i had already commented on this post.

    The A to Z for me is simply a fun way to add another dimension of challenge to my blog for the month.

    Your reflections about it being for fun not for pushing and promoting are spot on.

    1. You had, and I had an email telling me so. But for reasons unknown to mankind, your comments ended up in the spam-limbo. I have now set them free, and am going to watch closer over your comments. Hopefully Blogger will learn that you are welcome here.
      Thanks for - as always - spot on understanding and saying in tow short sentences what I try to say.

  11. Can you check your spam folder for me too please? I was sure that I had commented. And am happy to comment again if I did not.

    1. You did - I looked - there it was - and I freed it.
      It's a bother that they do not go into a separate folder any more. They are together with the published ones; only there's a small check mark next to it. I got to look for and check these - and they are hard to see. Or I have to compare the e-mails I get to the comments - which is made harder by the strange thing that not all comments activates an e-mail (River's never do), so a simple count of comments/emails would not do it. Hiss and spit as you always say.

    2. I found even more spam comments and released all of them - I hope.
      The bugger is you've got to mouse over every single comment to see the small checkmark next to it!
      D... New Blogger up to new tricks it seems. But as this comment of ypours actually posted, I hope it's over now.

  12. Hey Charlotte (mommy owl). I couldn't agree with you more about how it's a competition for comments. I prefer to comment on people who share kind of the same views as me opposed to just leaving a comment for the sake of commenting. That's just dumb. I like your A2Z badge (okay if I borrow it?). I guess I missed that one somehow. I also had issues with comments going to my spam folder on wordpress. I did do a bulk delete before I realized that there were actual comments in there from non-spammers. Oops. For the most part I'm really happy that I've stumbled over to your neck of the woods. I like your thoughts and I plan to read more. Thanks for visiting me and congrats on the challenge.

    1. Thank you for this comment. I'm happy ... no ... pleased ... no ... reassured ... I think is the right word ... to hear it's not a Blogger exclusive this time around - and that it's not a part of the cold WP vs. Blogger war either.
      The badge is not mine. It is made by Lissa who like Anjela applied for he post as house artist for the A-Z. I happened to like her badge better. I'm sure you can use it as well.
      Thank you again, and welcome!

  13. Good to read such a comprehensive Reflection post. Like you I keep my social media and blogging separate so I've largely ignored the efforts to promote this challenge more widely. I use the challenge as a way to get some regular blogging done. I do try and visit new blogs too but this April I wasn't well prepared so there just weren't enough hours in the day.

    1. Thank you for visitng., and making me avare of your blog. As you say, April did not have hours enough, but luckily blogs remain.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.