søndag den 15. maj 2022

Sunday Selection :: Hør -- 💠 -- Flax

I dag skal vi se nærmere på mit 1 ㎡ hørbed.

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Today ... taking a closer look at my square metre flax.

     Ups, skiltet er blæst væk. Hønsene arbejder stadig på bedet til venstre, mens jeg er blevet færdig med det her bed og har nået et godt stykke af det til højre.
     Her i bedet gror der også Hopi-farve-solsikker, der burde farve lilla. Til højre har jeg sat mine overskuds-tomater ud. Rabarberbladene skal holde ukrudtet væk, måske. 
     Vi må tættere på.

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  Ohh, my sign has blown off. The chicken are still at work in the next bed, while I'm digging through tis one and the one to the right.
  The sunflowers are Hopi dye sunflowers, supposed to dye purple. To the right the "surplus-tomatoes" have been planted out. The rhubarb leaves are an anti-weed protection.
  Let's get closer.

Noget er der spiret frem. De stikkende grene har holdt fugle, duer og katte på afstand.
Vi må tættere på.

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It looks like something has sprouted. The prickly branches has kept off birds, doves oand cats.
Let's have an even closer look.

Det ser fint ud, ikke også. Nu håber jeg søreme bare, det er hør og ikke ukrudt.

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This looks fine. Now I fervently hope this is actually flax and not some weed.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Definitely signs of growth. Fingers crossed it is indeed flax.

  2. It is looking very good. If it were weeds, wouldn't there be all types of growth, not all the same?

  3. It looks great. I think you have flax growing, weeds wouldn't have such a sturdy set of first leaves I think.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.