onsdag den 4. maj 2022

Comments marked as Spam - Re-updated with some good News!

During the A - Z Challenge some new people commented at my blog. This seemingly set Blogger off. Now randomly comments are being marked as spam. And where before I just hat to go to the "Spam folder" to release the comments from Limbo, I now have to go to the comments list. mouse over each and every comment, look for a check-mark, click it and agree to publishing the comment.
I sure hope this idiocy ends soon, and I apology to all A - Z participants I have not revisited, or whose comments I have not freed from their Limbo-state.

Let me show you. I hope that you - Elephant's Child, Kristin and others are OK with being showcased here, else please holler!

On first glance everything looks normal:

But on mouse over this can be seen:

You then have to hover over the check-mark. The text in the black box says: "Not spam"

  When clicking the black box, an extra box appears, asking "Is this not spam?" You can then choose Publish (Udgiv) to make the comment appear on your blog.

I found more than ten comments put in quarantine. I just hope I found them all.


This seems to be actually just a new feature of Bloggers. Here's how to find all the quarantined comments. Thanks to Messymimi for showing me this simpler way!
Go to Comments (Knommentarer in Danish). Click the arrow inside the red circle.

A drop down menu appears. I have three comments mared as spam:

Click on the line with
Spam    3

Then check the box in the red circle.

Hover over the checkmark - it says"Mark these comments as not-spam and make them public." Click the checkmark. 

Are you sure? If yes, click Publish (Udgiv).

Hooray! No spam here!

Furthermore it seems that they fixed the picture insert options. Pictures now at least most of the time insert at the cursor
and not at the end of the post! Hooray!
EDIT: Place the cursor in the text and the picture ends up there. Place the cursor at an empty line, and the picture ends up at the end of the post.

15 kommentarer:

  1. Blessed blogger is making things difficult for us again. There are some people whose comments almost always go to spam. It is easy enough to fix, once I realise the problem is there, but an unnecessary step. And yes, hiss and spit is my response.

    1. It seems to be an easier fix now at least, but as you say, we have to notice to fix, and with Blogger still not sending me a notofication on all comments ... I'd like to be able to mark some persons as "Not spam - now or ever" but this seems not possible. Let's hope its just bumps in the road.

  2. Funny, I don't think this spam option thingy is a new feature, at least, I don't think so. You have probably noticed they changed the comment box with refererence that the blog is protected by reCAPTCHA. Can't they protect bloggers silently and behind the scene?

    I'm thinking this new reCAPTCHA thing is what's causing the random marking of comments as spam. I have the same issue as you which I never had before. I guess it's good that we can mark any comment as spam or not.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Yes I noticed the comment form changing. This only happened a week or so ago for me, and the problem with comments not posting, but being marked as spam , began at the same time. I think that up until a week ago I also still had the spam folder in my commernts section.
      In short I suspect an update from Google/Blogger to be the guilty part behind all this. But it seems to work as well, if not even better now. I just had to learn the ropes.

  3. That was an interesting read. I haven't checked spam on my WordPress blog in... a very long time. In my email, the fake spam is so rampant, I got rid of the spam filter and just check them myself!

    1. I have almost no spam here, and what I have is almost always on old blog posts - as if the spammers hope I won't notice it then :) For that reason posts older than 14 days have their comments moderated.

  4. WordPress has a different comment moderation policy. When people who visit my blog often comment, these comments usually go through. But when people new to my blog comment, their comments more often than not end up in the pending queue, and I have to approve them. Almost nothing ends up as spam, at least not on my blog.

    1. This sounds like it works too, a different way to do things, not worse, nor better, just different. I had 11, maybe 12 comments marked as maybe spam. But I suspect it to be startup problems. I can't wrap my head around WordPress for some reason. I tried, and ragequit on both occasions.

  5. When i click on comments (Kommentarer), at the top is a drop-down box that lets me choose all, published, or spam. Because so many of my regular commenters are being marked spam, i click on spam and go to the spam box at least twice a day and check all of them and choose "publish". Much faster to find them in the spam folder than to check every comment and see if it's marked spam in the main folder.

    1. Erm, I'm not sure I understand this. Where is that drop down menu? I have not been ablke to find it.

    2. Oh, thanks - I found it! So much simpler - and another three ccomments un-spam-marked! THANKS!

    3. And I'll have to update this post, I did it all wrong - your way is much simpler! Thanks again!

    4. Glad to help, and even gladder that it works!

  6. Now I have to check my spam folder to be sure regular commenters aren't lost in there.

    1. Same as your e-mail spam filters, yes :) Bugger. I hope it's just hiccoughs on the way to better


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