lørdag den 30. april 2022

Å for Åh

     Her er så denne aprils sidste A-Z indlæg.
     Temaet for i år var Drømme - dobbelthed. Jeg kunne godt lide temaet og Lissas vignet var helt perfekt. Og undskyld forsinkelsen. Jeg fumlede rundt og fik sat datoen et år ud i fremtiden
😕 Åh!

Ⓐ - Ⓩ

  This is the years last A-Z post.
  The theme for this year was Dream - Duality. I liked the theme, and Lissa's vignette was perfect. And sorry fro the delay. I had set this post to auto-post in a year instead of posting it earlier today
😕 Oops!

Å for Åh / Oh, Aww, Oops! (Åh is a truly multifunctional sound)

    Åh, siger Uglemor - er vi allerede færdige. Jeg nåede ikke alt det, jeg havde sat mig for. Kun 15 poster -16 hvis denne her tælles med. Det var ikke helt hvad jeg havde tænkt, men det kunne jo have været værre. Jeg er helt tilfreds med de poster, jeg faktisk fik skrevet, og det tæller vel også.

Oh, MotherOwl says, I did not get to write all the posts I had thought out. I made it to 15, 16 with this one, posts during A-Z. That's not too good, neither is it too bad. And actually I'm quite satisfied with the posts I did write. This counts as well.

A - Z  Å

Åh, se nu her: Uglemor viser kløer - og æg

Aww, look at this, MommyOwl showing off her claws - and eggs.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Owls are always welcome. And congratulations on participating in the A-Z. Well done.

  2. I enjoyed your posts through the month. Mrs. Owl is beautiful and i respect those claws very much.

    1. Thank you. Those claws are BIG, and her beak is dangerous as well. Some years ago the camera broke, and the tecnician repairing it was attacked by Mrs. Owl and ended up in the ER.

  3. It looks as if she might be turning them over to get equal warmth. I have heard some birds do that, but don't know if owls do.

    1. Yes owls do that, and that, and cleaning her claws is exactly what she was doing when I snapped the screenshot.

  4. When you 'Lissa's vignette' do you mean the red/green badge/graphic? I'm not use to using vignette to describe such images/graphics.

    15, 16 posts are still a lot of posts considering I know a few people quitted at letter B. Plus x, y, z are the difficult letters.

    Ah, aww, sometimes it meant an understanding sound, like ,ah, that's how it works.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Åh, the right word is "badge" Of course. Vignette in Danish is much more all-inclusive ;)
      Thanks for the encourafging words.
      I dropped w, z, x,and q beforehand, because we just don't have any (or almost) sensible words with those letters in Danish.

    2. Lissa; one person quit, then many more also quit. "Quitted," is incorrect.


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