onsdag den 5. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 6

As I wrote earlier today:  The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. It is a moveable thing, and the prompts are given by a new blogger each month.
 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  

Hilary Melton-Butcher is providing today's prompts, appearing at Elephant's Child's.


I used the first half for a continuation of Susan and Knud in Iceland. I took up the additional challenge of using the words in the order they were given. I fear the second lot as it contains Carrots and Gorgonzola - yuck. But let's see what happens.

That is a tangled tale," Finnbogi said. "And we have to untangle it, but right now we're going to get to those portals to get anywhere. We're now as close to the underground caves as a car can take us. We could walk there, but it would take a day or two. Do you see the cream coloured stones on the ground?" Susan, Knud and Rósa looked down, saw the stone and nodded. "They are wayfinder stones. If you look underneath, you'll see the vegvísir rune from the museum on them. Pick up one of them." Susan did as she was told, and like when she was little she felt hot on one side. "It's like playing Hide and seek on Unicorn Farm" Susan exclaimed. "The stone pulls me that way," she said pointing to where the low mountains lay on the horizon.
Vegvísir rune
  "And that's where we're going." Finnbogi said. "Susan I take you first, close your eyes, think of nothing and hold my hands."
  Susan did as she was told, and the long-forgotten, but still well known dizziness enveloped her. As she steadied and opened her eyes, she saw the gloomy cubicles she clearly remembered from her visit those many years ago. "Yes," she said. "This is where we went."
  "I thought as much after your description," Finnbogi said. "Now I go back for Knud" And with a deft movement of his wand he was off.
  Susan waited, tense in the room where she and Helge had eaten together with Gilvi and Thora after their adventures in Sweden. The wait felt long, but in reality it was only a few minutes before Finnbogi reappeared with Knud. While Finnbogi was away, Susan pulled a cake and some thermos from her backpack. When Knud saw what she was doing, he shook his head steadied himself with a hand on the back of a chair: "Phew, I hope this gets better with practise as you once said it would," he said shakenly and proceeded by pulling cups and plates from his backpack.
Rósa and Finnbogi appeared, Finnbogi looking grey and Rósa less shaken than either Knud or Susan.
  "You're true visionaries!" Finnbogi said appraisingly. "You know what a man needs after a hard mornings work."
  They ate the cake to the very last crumb and drank all the tea. The Finnbogi declared that he was once again ready to continue.
  "Let's go exploring, and let's keep together, at least two and two. There are a fair amount of portals in the different rooms. Only the portal in the room with the volcano symbol on the door is out of bounds. It led to a sister place in Eyafjallajökull, but it was flooded by lava some years ago. If you'd try to go there, you'd be squashed to death. I - or maybe we - will have to deactivate that one."

... to be continued

3 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. I really really look forward to reading each new installment - and I am never disappointed.

  2. The rune is pretty and the story is coming along nicely. Susan and Knud were very visionary to bring food and drink along with plates and cups.

  3. Here's hoping they find what they need.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.