søndag den 9. januar 2022

Sunday Selections -- Beautiful Monster

 December 11th last year - not that long ago 😉 I was given a beautiful monster. Let's follow its development. Last photo was taken yesterday - a total of 4 weeks between the first and the last photo.

I am very grateful for this beautiful monster, and I hope to make it survive for more monster show later.

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And a bit of agonizing: Phew New Blogger makes for tough times putting in photos, for this post alone 104 clicks with my mouse -  not counting the times I mis-clicked or hit insert video instead of insert photo. I'm not that great at icons recognition.

7 kommentarer:

  1. A truly beautiful plant. Long may it survive and thrive. And a big sigh at all the 'extra' clicks that new blogger requires.

    1. Now I've read up on Amaryllis And I think I can manage this one: Feed and water until it withers, then forget abut it in a cool room until new green growth is seen. Remove old leaves, water and place in yout living room and enjoy. I think I can do this.

  2. It's beautiful, I know what it is but can't recall the name right now. It will come to me later.
    I select all my photos into the pop up window at the same time, then click on "select" at the bottom of the window and they all load at once onto my blog, I just have to be sure to select them in the order I want them and I do that before I even start by going into my pictures files and labelling the ones I want to use with A B C and so on. I put the labelled ones into a separate folder then there they are when I want them.

    1. I tried this a couple of times, but often as not they are added in reverse order.
      And yes, you remembered the name! I dare bet as soon as you hit Publish.

  3. amaryllis! That's what the flower is.

  4. What a beautiful monster gift!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.