onsdag den 26. januar 2022

Lissa's Blog-Birthday-Party

Lissa is hosting a Blog-Birthday-Party. One of the activities is an Alphabet this-or-that. I never heard of this before, It was quite fun. Some of the answers will be obvious for anybody, who has read my blog for more than a month :) but I hope that some of them will be a surprise.

A. Attached or Single? - Attached.
B. Blue or Black?  -  Blue of course
C. Cats or Dogs?  --  neither, I want to travel.
D. Down 10 flights of stairs or Up to 2 flights?  --  Down 10! Any time.
E. Email or Snail mail??  --  Both, thank you very much e-mail for fast and practical and snail-mail for long, cozy letters.
F. Fairytales or Nonfiction?  --  Fairytales and Science Fiction!
G. Gain a pound or Gain some money?  -- Money, I miss some, and not an extra pound or two (but don't we all).
H. Hop on one foot or Jumping jacks?  --  Hop on one foot, my balance is better than my shape.
I. Ice cream or Ice cones (aka snow cone)?  -- Ice cream, mint, preferably!
J. Juice or Water?  -- Water.
K. Kiss a frog or Hug a bear? -- I never yet kissed a frog, so I'll try this. I once elbowed a bear, does this count?
L. Lose your heart or Lose your mind? -- I have already lost my heart ;)
M. Music or Silence?  --  Silence!!! I have 6 children.
N. Nuts or Chips?  -- Fresh walnuts from the tree, else chips.
O. Oatmeal or Cereal?  --  Cereals, crunchy ones.
P. Pizza or Spaghetti?  --  Pizza, only not the gorgonzola variety.
Q. Queen for a day or Quiet for a day? --  Queen, preferably of a fantasy kingdom.
R. Rain or Sun?  -- SUN!
S. Steak or Salad?  --  Steak.
T. Talk to a stranger for a minute or talk to your enemy for an hour?  -- Talk to a stranger, although I find just a minute a short, maybe even too short timespan.  
U. Unicorns or Unicycles?  --  Unicorns, did you really need to ask?
V. Vanilla or Chocolate?  -- Vanilla.
W. Walk or Run? --  Walk, unless it's for very short distances, like when trying to catch a bus.
X. Xray vision or Power to fly?  -- Fly, fly, FLY!!
Y. Yoga or the Gym?  --  The Gym, preferably the home gym.
Z. Zipper or Velcro?  -- I don't care, as long as they work.

18 kommentarer:

  1. I like your answers. I like quiet too, but there are days when I NEED music and play it all day, preferably loud. It calms me.

    1. When it happens that I'm all alone, the silence is balmy, but after some time I start longing for music, and then I get to decide which music. Wonderful!

  2. Your answers are amusing. You once elbowed a bear? Now that sounds like it would make an interesting story. Thanks for participating.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I was convinced, I had told the story of this. But obviously not. Will do ;) Thanks for hosting.

  3. Always choose to fly. What a fun game!

  4. C. here, too, sadly. And now we cannot even travel...
    You elbowed a bear?!!!
    Please tell more!
    Oh, thank you, now I am hungry! Pizza and steak, hmmmm....

    1. Yes I elbowed a bear - story to come. I want to travel, now! It spunds so ungrateful, when I think back at how much I have already travelled, but ... sigh.

  5. It was fun to read your answers. I also saw it on Lissa's blog and will do a post in the future. :)

  6. Thanks for that great questionnaire. I loved it. Here is my list.

    1. Thanks for commenting - sorry to let you hang for so long, Blogger tought you needed a time-out. I do not agree - off to read your list.

    2. What? Why did Blogger think that? I have had problems with WordPress accounts lately but not with other bloggers. Thanks for persisting.

    3. Blogger's ways are strange. Comments are randomly put on hold, and I have to release them from spam-limbo. When I have done so a couple - or rather dozens - of times it seems that Blogger finally learns.
      WP just puts some of my comments to the twisting nether, never to be re-found.

    4. And even more strange it put me on hold as anonymous! It's me, MotherOwl, the owner of this blog, writing :D

    5. LOOOL, yes, I've had that problem. To avoid spamming, I made every post that is older than two weeks pre-approvable and I have a lot less spam than before. I do have some that Blogger decides might be spam, no matter whether these people have commented before a dozen times or not at all, it is totally random.

      But I know the anonymous thing, as well, I get that on my own blog, also.

      And WP, don't even get me started, sometimes you can just comment like that, sometimes you have to log in and sometimes you cannot comment at all, again no matter whether you know the person or not.

      So, I am happy for everyone who can comment and where I can comment.


    6. Oops - I have this older-post-on-moderation as well - that's of course what gave you a time out; even though the e-mail telling me that your post was there, only arrived Sunday.
      Embarassed greetings - and I'm still happy you took your time to comment here.

    7. Don't worry, we've all done that. And if we weren't here for each other, we'd get nowhere. Because the guys on the internet do nothing for us. They just change stuff all the time, thinking we all have a degree in computing.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.