tirsdag den 25. januar 2022

Strøm - Electricity - Tirsdagstæsk.

En af søndagens nyheder ifølge TV2:
Hver anden dansker gør ingen indsats for at spare på strømmen
Hver anden dansker har ikke gjort nogen yderligere indsats for at holde strømforbruget nede i hjemmet på trods af stigende priser på strøm. Det viser en rundspørge. som Kantar Gallup har foretaget for Gjensidige. Rundspørgen baserer sig på svar fra 1543 danskere i perioden november og december.

Jeg er faktisk én af de 1.543 danskere. Og ifølge mig er nøgleordet i denne nyhed yderligere. Jeg har allerede erstattet alle mulige pærer med sparepærer, vasker koldt, bruger tørresnoren, slukke lyset og alt muligt andet efter mig, osv. ... Nu må det være industrien, detailhandelen osv. der står for tur. Sluk lyset (næsten) i butikkern om natten, sluk for reklameTV'et når butikken er lukket, sluk for rulle-reklamerne ved supermarkeder og på stationer efter lukketid ...

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One of today's news according to a Danish news service:
Every second Dane makes no effort to save electricity
One in two Danes has made no further effort to keep power consumption down at home, despite rising electricity prices. A survey shows. conducted by Kantar Gallup for Gjensidige. The survey is based on responses from 1543 Danes in November and December.

I am actually one of the 1,543 Danes in this survey. And according to me, the key word in this news is further. I have already replaced all possible light bulbs with energy saving ones, I do cold laundry, use the clothesline, turn off the lights and anything else when leaving the room, etc. ... Now the turn must come to the industry, shops, supermarkets, transportation services, etc. Turn off the lights (almost) in the shops at night, turn off the advertising TV when the shop is closed, turn off the scrolling advertisements at supermarkets and stations after closing time ...

6 kommentarer:

  1. Snap. Though we are having solar panels installed (finally) early next month.

    1. Solar panels sounds great, but we looked into it. In Denmark privare solar panels are only feasible because the state subsides heavily. The sun is not shining in the winter, when we need the electricity. Bigger solar cell fields are being set up, accompagnying new housing areas, often combine with noice reduction walls. This I find great.

  2. I do what I can too, although I dislike washing laundry with cold water, so I use hot, but don't wash every day, with only me there is simply no need to. I wash my dishes only once a day and have only my lamp beside my table turned on when I am at the computer. All my lights are LED's now. With summer here I am running the airconditioner to keep cool, but I have it on the lowest fan setting and keep my doors closed to keep the cool air inside. I use my clothes dryer only in winter and as little as possible.

    1. Exactly. We normal people can do no more - not without cost to our comfort of life at least - and even if the prices are rising, we then just pay. I have some of the old golw lights saved up for drawing, as the LED and so on distorts colours. And it's dark from 4 pm to 8 am just now, light is often needed for longer when it's overcast :(

  3. We do as much as we can. The question they need to ask is, how much less can people realistically be expected to use.

    Yes to businesses working to reduce what they use.

    1. Not much more it seems, that is why I am protesting. I won't do without light - and maybe fall and break arms and legs - or without a simple fridge, or hot water ... all those daily commodities. I don't even have a dryer, a fridge popping ice cubes or AC, or lots of other stuff. Our bill is lower than a standard family, even thoug we are 6 and most of us working from home most of the time.
      Production, shops, transportation ect. needs to reduce now, not private persons any more.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.