søndag den 16. januar 2022

Sunday Selection :: Decay on a Saturday

Sunday Selection this time around is a Saturday Selection. All of the photos were taken yesterday.
We woke up to frost 2 below zero (Celsius).

Our laundry was beautifully frozen.

The sun was shining, and I washed the windows - and met this invasive ladybird.

  The beautiful monster is not very beautiful any more. The Pirate suggested that I use the withered flowers for dye - I'm going to try.
  And with some care it should bloom again in a year. I can try. The how-to goes like this: Feed and water until it withers, then forget abut it in a cool room until new green growth is seen. Remove old leaves, water and place in your living room and enjoy. I think I can do this.

When shopping I always raid the place where they place all the marked down things with a best before end date of Today. I found some goldenberries. One apple had survived the frost and together with home grown walnuts and a stalk of celery from the fridge it was turned into a golden Waldorf salad (we had no grapes). It was untraditional in as far as as the apple and celery both were grated. It was very tasty.

5 kommentarer:

  1. A varied and lovely selection this week. I have a very soft spot for ladybirds - not least because they gobble aphids. Your salad looks wonderful, and in my overheated state so does your temperature and frost.
    I hope your amaryllis will come back next year.

  2. Frozen laundry sounds like a chilling experience.

    We have some invasive insects here that look like ladybirds but they are actually an Asian beetle. It can be hard to see the difference.

    Dye from the red amaryllis might produce a very pretty color.

    That's a lovely salad! The marked down items can be so helpful to round out the food budget.

  3. I hope your amaryllis does survive and bloom again. I have never experienced frozen laundry and don't think I ever want to.

    1. Thank you - we left the laundry alone until the sun had thawed and dried it ;) It smells so fresh.

  4. Ooh! That salad looks divine! My amaryllis is just finishing as well. But it'll continue... It's now over 30 years old!


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