onsdag den 12. januar 2022

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 8

Yes, I made it! There's still 1¾ hours left of Wednesday. And I used ONE word of the 12, Hilary Melton-Butcher has given us. You can read a lot more about this great challenge over at Elephant's Child's blog.
  The general idea is to make us write and read what others wrote, and cheer along the other participants. This is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to follow their links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.  
  I continue my story from last week, where I never succeeded in using all the words. Let's see what happens this time around.

Oh, and the prompts:
'Chrome Yellow'. 

"How do we do that," Susan asked. "You're the specialist in portals. I never tried a major portal before."
"Oh, yes, I think you did, but not alone. Think back on your last stay here. How did you return home?" Finnbogi asked.
"Not by any portal, Gilvi teleported us back home to my place," Susan answered.
"He did? Fantastic. I would not be able to teleport me and you all the way to Elsinore, not now, not ever I suspect," Finnbogi said.
"But that does not answer my question. How do we go to Tromsø?" Susan asked.
"You have made a portal there?" FInnbogi asked, and  Susan nodded. "Then it's easy. Step into this portal while speaking the name of the place, where the portal is. I can do it first, if you're afraid. Count to 50 after I have gone through That'll give me time to move over, and even to return, if the portal should not be safe."
Finnbogi went through the portal, loudly saying "Tromsø!"
Susan counted to 50, and did the same. She was more dizzy than usual, and when she opened her eyes, it was dark around her. She called softly and Finnbogi answered her: "We forgot about the time, it's still spring, we're far North, and also travelling eastwards going to Norway did not help. It's near midnight. and pitch dark, move away from the portal, please"
Susan quickly walked some steps toward Finnbogi's voice. Slowly the darkness grew less impenetrable, and she could see the trees around them. Rósa came through, and Susan guided her away from the portal. Knud was last, and came loaded with their picnic baskets.
"Now what? We forgot the time, being inside a mountain, and late evening turned to night with us going east," Finnbogi said.
"Could we go back and sleep?" Rósa asked.
"Couldn't we stay here?" Susan asked, "I'm not sure I want to brave those portals back. Maybe they're still set as a trap upon our return."
"No, they are not," Finnbogi said. "But I too have had more than enough of portals and teleportation for some time."
"I have to agree," Knud said. "We could either find a hotel or why not just stay here?"
"Here?" Rósa said.
"Yes why not," Knud said. We're in this small forest outside Tromsø, almost nobody ever come here, and Susan and I brought tents and camping things in our backpacks." As to prove his words, Susan opened her back pack and pulled out a small chrome yellow bag.
"Is that a tent?" Rósa said. "They sure have grown smaller since last I went camping."
"You forget I'm a witch," Susan teased Rósa, "but yes, tents have sure gotten way smaller since we were young!"
They slept in the tent, which was not as gaudy as the bag, but a soothing blue inside and a camouflage green on the outside. Rósa cast a do-not disturb spell on it before they slept.
Next morning, very early, they woke to a beautiful sunrise.
...to be continued

10 kommentarer:

  1. Off for more adventures, i hope this one turns out well.

    1. I hope so tto, there's many prompts still left.

  2. I loved this but your final sentence has me worried. A misprint or is time out of wack?

    1. Thank you.
      Typo, thanks I'll correct it.

    2. That's what happens when I'm in a hurry trying to write my story before midnigth comes around. Thank you so much for finding and telling me of my errors!
      I hope to write much more, as my head is still full of ideas.

  3. I think I would be a little scared to emerge from a portal and find only blackness, thank goodness Finnbogi went first and could talk to Susan when she arrived.
    It's after 5pm here on Thursday and I still haven't started my story. I'm going to have to write after dinner.

    1. Yes, Susan has had her part and more of scare with portals. It was good that Finnbogi went first. Those people from Iceland are made from tough matter ;)
      I am sure you're going to make it, and with a liovely story. I look forward to reading it.

  4. I´m reading this at shortly after 1 am - pitch dark. Gives your story a good touch!
    But it would be tempting to go through a portal!

  5. Ha! Once again I took my intention for the deed.
    But now, before casting a do-not-disturb-spell: I enjoyed this.
    The peace of the night!

  6. I would like traveling by portals, it seems rather easy. They're witches so why didn't they just create a light instead of fearing the darkness? Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.