søndag den 11. juli 2021

Røde nødder -- Red Nuts

Overskriften siger sådan set det hele. Min fine røde hasselbusk har fået nødder på - og de er røde.

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The title says it all. My red hazel bush has nuts on it; and they are red.

Og noget blåt til Judes Life in Colour om søndagen? Blandt de planter, jeg havde sat mig for at prøve i fryseposefarvefrosøget, var et par chikorieblomster. De var helt visne, da jeg endelig nåede frem til faktisk at forsøge. Men det bliver de ikke mindre blå af.

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And somthing blue for Jude's Life in Colour? In between the plants that were meant for the freeeze bag dyeing experiment, were some blue chicories. They had wilted before the bags were finally made. But still they are blue.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Those red hazelnuts are VERY red. And look gorgeous.
    Love the chicory blue too.

  2. Such pretty colors, in nature and for dying your wools.

  3. An uplifting post Charlotte, love that blue particularly.


  4. I did not know Chicory was a flower. I only know it as something brown in a bottle that Italians add to their coffee.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.