fredag den 30. juli 2021

Words for Wednesday -- July 28 -- Part 3

Next instalment in the story of Sarah and her children:

1. secret
2. garden
3. walk
4. world
5. abandon
6. magic
7. life
8. forever
9. key
10. spring

Only one more words crossed out this time. A little background and explanation. This is turning into a marathon chapter.

Frank shook his head and looked at Susan: "If my mother is a witch, and my father a wizard, why did I never see them do any magic, and why for Chrissake ... How come they turned into pitiable old drunkards?"
"The magic was taken from them, as from all of us." Susan paused. "Did you ever read the Harry Potter books?" Frank and Freya nodded, and Susan continued: "Well, it seems that the magical societies all over followed very much the same pattern. In Denmark - and Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroes; we were one realm with one school - a small group of wizards had the idea that we had suffered for long enough. That it was our turn to reign. Only this reign they dreamt of was what you and I would probably call a reign of terror. We defeated them, but to do so, we had to abandon our own magic. Everybody, us apprentices, the teachers and the by then not so small group of would be-despots were poisoned and had their magic taken from them."
Knud continued: "And all the magicians surviving that day, were left with a longing, a hole inside, a missing part you might call it. Many died over the next few years, and of the surviving, a good part went to sects or turned to drinking or drugs."
"I did too," Susan said, "But then I met Knud. Of course I did not recognize him, but I fell in love with him. And love is often a cure-all. And after many years, actually just a couple of months ago now, even if it feels like half a lifetime, we had our magic back. We began looking for the other apprentices, to give them their magic back, and to recruit them and their children for our new school, Birch Manor, the Nordic school of Wizardry."
"This is a high tale," Frank said, "But sometimes you just have to trust, and I trust you. How do we go on from there? I mean ... I'd like to learn, to be able to do magic ... " he stopped, foundering and turned red. Freya patted his hand, looked at Susan and Knud with shining, blue eyes: "So would I , But can I, I mean being pregnant and all?
"As I said, Freya, I believe you're a witch as well," Susan said gently. "Of course you can learn magic pregnant or not, and trust me, having a newborn is so much easier with a touch of magic."
Freya laughed, a short, mirthful sound and said: "I dare bet it is!"
Susan nodded and smiled, but continued with her more serious train of thoughts: "What do you know about your family?"
"Nothing, really" Freya said. "I'm adopted, and I was told, when I finally found out, that my parents had died in an accident, not long after I was born, and that I had no living relatives. What about our unborn child," Freya said patting her belly gently, "will he or she be magic as well?"
"I'd say yes," Susan said, "but of course I can't promise anything. There's non-magical children born where both parents are wizards and magic children born into families with no magic at all like Knud here." Knud and Susan smiled at one another.
My mother," Frank said slowly, fear colouring his voice, "You did not give her her magic back, did you?"
"No we did not," Knud said, shaking his head.  "I'm sorry, but I did not dare to. She was so bitter, so ... well I feared for just what she would do to you. I feel terribly sorry for her, but no. I did nor do it."
Frank slowly nodded, then looked at his watch, an old fashioned wrist watch.

"I don't know how you all feel," Frank said. "But I am hungry. And I don't see us cooking or going anywhere. Do you two have a deadline?"
"No," Susan said, "We are free to stay as long as we like, and our home - Birch Manor - is not that far from here. What do you suggest?"
"Pizzas," Frank said. "There's a pizza dude in the nearest town, and he delivers here as well. Let's give ourselves and the kids a treat. Then we can continue talking after tucking in the little ones. I have a million questions at least, and I think Freya has too?" Freya nodded energetically: "I sure do."

To be continued once again.

4 kommentarer:

  1. This is getting more interesting. Pizza!! Yum

    1. Interesting stories and yummy pizza, pleased to serve you :D

  2. Hmmm, why do i have the feeling that Freya's parents were at the Unicorn Farm? Perhaps not, but it does seem odd that so many of the magical community died, and her parents did, too.

    1. Hmm, It's an idea ... but, I don't think you're rigth. The apprentices from the Unicorn Farm, who died, did so during the first 8 years after the school stopped - when Susan was only 20 or so. This would make Freya much too old, I think ... maths is not my strongest. Gotta put on my thinking cap. Thanks for suggesting.


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