mandag den 5. juli 2021

Poetry Monday :: Bikinis

If you want to read some more, and better  poetry,  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who also supplies us with topics - are writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read.

  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month - may  we hope for more!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is taking a break due to her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way.

I have something more to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others, would you please leave a comment. Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others.

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As it sometimes happen, the topic for the Poetry Monday makes a song make that an earworm - run around my poor brain. I tried chewing gum, singing it out loud (all alone in the bath), listening to it, and so on.
  But each time I see the word bikini this begins: "She was afraid to come out of the locker ..." Can you carry on? I think we all know the opening line to
Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini.
  Are you old enough to remember lockers on the beach? I am. I was small, and remember them as tiny, clammy, and anxiety provoking boxes. The other children always yelled, take care, someone's lurking. I had no idea who was lurking or why they would want to. I was five or under, and on the beach with my grandmother. I preferred undressing on the beach to those damp cubicles.

Bikini ... come on, MotherOwl, you can do this!

Oh, and do you remember the Blue meanies

Itsy bitsy, blue meanie
in a very small bikini.
He's swimming a sea of green notes
because he was late for the boats.

Itsy bitsy blue meanie
In a wet and blue-grey beanie
He's crawling ashore by a crab
Who gives his behind a sound nab.

Itsy bitsy blue meanie
He took off his wet bikini
And walked from the crab and the shore
And then there isn't any more.

Blue Meanies - Thanks Wikipedia.

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Next Mondays topic: Cheer the Lonely

Coming up:
Raspberry Cake Day (July 19)
Parents Day (July 26)
Ice Cream Sandwich Day (August 2)
Cats (August 9)
Tell a Joke (August 16)
Wind (August 23)
Monsters (August 30)
Shoes (September 6) From Mimi
Defy Superstition Day (September 13) Also from Mimi
Remembering 8-Tracks (September 20) Another Mimi

9 kommentarer:

  1. That song echoed through my empty head as soon as I saw the title. No locker here. As a young 'un I simply stripped and changed, and slightly older me made dexterous use of a towel. It was helped by the fact that most of the beaches we went to were uncrowded.

    1. Like we did whne not with Grandmother. I liked that way better. Crowded beaches is a modern invention to me ;)

  2. I have to confess I did not think of the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini, but I have it in my head now. That's okay, I like the song.

  3. I lived close enough to the beach that we walked to and from in our swimsuits with a towel hanging over our shoulders.

    1. Lucky you.
      i now remember that it was only my grandmother insisting ion us using those cabins. Normally, with mum and dad we just used the shore.

  4. Amazing how our minds went to precisely the same place in earworm land! I had completely forgotten the Blue Meanies! (I had to google them...) Glad that crab gave his behind a nab!

    1. Itsy bitsy ... is an iconic song. I think almost everybody knows the words to it. Blue meanies deserve to be pinched ;)

  5. Yes, i thought of that earworm, especially since it was a teeny bikini (at least to them) that caused the minor accident i talk about in my poem.

    Love your verse, i am glad the meanie got what he had coming to him.

    1. I had to look up the early bikinis. They actually seem rather teeny ;)

      Thank you. Blue meanies need to have their behinds pinched :)


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