søndag den 4. juli 2021

Sunday Selection - Blue Edition

MotherOwl suspects that nobody reading her blog for more than a few weeks can be left in doubt as to what is her facourite colour: BLUE. This colour is chosen as the colour of the month at Life in Colour, and is furthermore the favourite colourof Jude, the author of that blog.
A quick visit of my photo folders gave me enough blue photos to last me a year of Sundays. Here are some of them.
This also links up with Sunday Selections, hosted by Elephant's Child.

What is more blue than a cornflower - my favourite flower.

This time it's the pot, not the flowers.

Weaving rag rugs - blue of course.

Blue from cabbage boiling - unfortunately not a durable colour.

Tea bag wrappers made into a bowl - mostly blue of course.

And my very own Hashi-bukuro (Chopstick wrapper) called Ame / Rain.

And last, but not least the grumpy GardenOwl.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Love your splashes of blue. The many different shades of green are my favourites - with blue (in all its myriad colours) close behind.

    1. I am the other way around. Blue os number one, with green close behind, and then every other colour ending with black and orange in the bottom - shared last.

  2. A lovely pick Charlotte. I do like those rag rugs

  3. These blues are wonderful. I love blue too.

    1. It's such a wonderful colour, maybe because of blue skies and the scarsity of blue flowers. Nice to see you again!

  4. So many pretty blues, thank you!


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