søndag den 25. juli 2021

Sunday Selections -- 25 July -- Blue Edition

  It's time to link up with Sunday Selections, now hosted by Elephant's Child. Citing her for the rules: "The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent. Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me (Elephant's Child that is, not MotherOwl!)."

  Blue ... I love blue. And blue is the colour, Jude from Life in Colour choose for July. I have been hunting in my archives, looking for blue. It's not a problem of finding, but of choosing.

  The first if many blue glass drops. I found these, and some green and white ones as well, in a second hand shop. Since many other have joined my collection.
  They are - or at least started out as - the left overs from glass works, made for fun by the glass blowers and artists to use up bits and ends.

Blue and repeating patterns - two of my favourite things. (Blue bricks)

A blue glass mug, taken with the funny, colour exclusive setting of my camera. My mug for coffee breaks!

A lion - not a real one, of course, but a giant, stuffed one - hello Henry. It's here because it was the protagonist in a story of my Droplets: Blue Meets a Lion. Unfortunately this story is not online. It's a long and tedious job to prepare those stories for online viewing, and the number of readers are not impressing, to say the least ;)

Blue Umbrella is the work title of a haiku collection of mine. I don't know if I will ever finish it.

I am sorry for the rather downcast version of Sunday Selections/Life in Colour. It's at least partly due to a non-fave blue:
The rest of our summer holidays look like this (rain in varying amounts, but every day and almost no sun).
Graphics courtesy of Bedre Vejr (Better Weather), data by DMI

5 kommentarer:

  1. I like the blue selection - especially the lion. He is a little shy looking the other way.

    God bless.

  2. A beautiful blue selection. Including the rain (despite the fact it makes you blue). That much rain in summer is unheard of for us. And I adore Henry.

  3. While it's no fun to have the blues, your blue selections are lovely.

  4. This is a lovely selection, thank you. I also love blue (and teal) and would love to find glass drops in any colour when I get back to visiting thrift shops again.

  5. Blue! Makes me feel anything BUT blue!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.