mandag den 13. januar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Leap Year

  Jenny - The Procrastinating Donkey - has been listening to sugesstions and the theme for today is: Leap Year.
  Also normally participating are: Diane, Mimi, and Merry Mae. 
  I was inspired by Diane's mom's almost-Limericks or Crazy rhymes as she called them.  

There was an old maid on the bay
Who waited for Leap year and day
She went out to propose
Gently holding a rose
But returned with a big bale of hay.

Next Mondays theme is up to Diane once again. And she chose: Vast connections.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I love your crazy limerick. And sometimes wonder whether a bunch of hay is better than an acceptance from some suitors. Married/partnered life is not always a bunch of roses.

  2. In the end, she might be glad. Funny poem!

  3. Hee hee! I agree with both Elephant's Child and Mimi - she might be better off :)

    I do love limericks!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.