lørdag den 4. januar 2020


      Det ser ud til at Daffycat har forladt bloggeriet, så måske bliver der ikke mere TUSAL.
       Men alligevel ... her er i hvert fald nymånedatoerne for det kommende år, et fint år med en nymåne per måned.


  As it seems Daffycat has left the blogging world, I wonder whether to take up the TUSAL again.
  In any case here are the dates of the New moons in the coming year. A nice year with one full Moon every month. Let's see what happens.

24 januar
23 februar
24 marts
23 april
22 maj
21 juni
20 juli
19 august
17 september
16 oktober
15 november
14 december

     Bare for at vise, at jeg skam har produceret stumper, bare uden at blogge om det. Stumperne i dette glas vil snarest ende som temari-fyld.
     Prikkerne er Braille (blindskrift). Der står TUSAL. Bare fordi jeg kan, og især for at fejre Louis Braille, der har fødselsdag i dag. 


  And just to show that I have not forgotten this challenge, even if I've not been blogging about it. My ORTs from 2019, they'll be tuned into temari soon.
  PS. The dots are Braille. It says TUSAL - just because I can and mostly to clelebrate the birthday of Louis Braille.

8 kommentarer:

  1. It's sad when blogging friends leave, especially when we don't know why or what happened. Enjoy your celebrating, not being a craft person i do not know exactly what you are doing or how.

    1. This TUSAL (Totally Useless Stitch ALong) one was begun long ago, and it is the easiest of challenges ecver. Just collect all your ORTs somewhere, take a photo at New Moon, post on your blog and link back to Daffycat's monthly blogpost.
      I'm still hoping for her to return. for yes it is sad when people just disappear.

  2. Your temari is intriguing. I have orts, too - lots of them. I need to think about whether I can take up yet another craft, though :)

    You do a lot of blogging challenges, MotherOwl. How do you do it?!

    1. I begin on a lot of blogging Challenges. The hard part is keeping it up. I love fresh beginnings and adventure new ... Let's see how many I keep up in the year to come. I only added one new ;) Big medal for my restraint here :)
      TUSAL is just ORTs, nothing else ... Totally useless SAL... I see now I forgot the link. It is in place now, sorry. The temari part of it is

    2. ... my own, as all the stitching I do is temari. I do not embroider or sew much.
      (I pressed [Enter] too early - leading to an answer in two parts Sorry)

    3. I read your reply to Mimi and now I understand the TUSAL challenge better - thank you.

      I think I am the opposite to you -- I don't like starting new things but once I learn something I will do it and do it and do it until everyone around me is tired of it :)

  3. There is a facebook group for the Tusal now.

    1. Yes I know and I am a member since January '18 or thereabout ;) Facebook groups just do not motivate me the least bit. I have posted maybe 4 times in those two years ... not very impressing :)


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