torsdag den 2. januar 2020

Back to the Classics -- A not-wrap-up post

  Well since my last Back to the Classics-post in February, nothing happened on the Classics front. I can repeat my list from back then, and say well that was it.

  I think I'm going to try once more, if Karen K. at Books and Chocolate hosts the challenge again, that is. I'll stay with the die 12 randomness and try to find books that I really want to read.

Here's my 2019 list in its sad state. 3 out of 12 is bad, isn't it:

-- 📚 -- updated list -- 📚 --

  1. 19th Century Classic:  Alice in Wonderland
  2. 20th Century Classic: READ - Trapp Family Singers.
  3. Classic by a Female Author: ?
  4. Classic in Translation: ?
  5. Classic Comedy: Don Quijote
  6. Classic Tragedy. The Odyssey or The Iliad.
  7. Very Long Classic: ?
  8. Classic Novella: ?
  9. Classic From the Americas: Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer.
  10. Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia):  READ - 7 Years in Tibet
  11. Classic From a Place You've Lived: READ - 3 Hearts and 3 Lions
  12. Classic Play: Jedermann

4 kommentarer:

  1. Your total is three times better than it was - which is certainly not bad. I liked Alice in Wonderland but prefer Alice Through the Looking Glass (and can still quote slabs of it).
    Have fun this year. With the classics and with life.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I'll put Through the Looking Glass on my list. I can recite "Mimsy were the Borogoves", so it migth be time to read the actual book :)

  2. This is why it's such a joy that we have tomorrow and next week and next month and next year, we can keep trying.

    1. Yes, you're right. And I have entered for this year as well ;)


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