mandag den 6. januar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Someting that goes fast

  The first theme of the new year is now decided by Diane On the Border. 
This time mysteriously: Something that Goes Fast.
  Normally also participating are: Jenny, Mimi, and Merry Mae.
   Now you have to picture me in a shirt and blouse in loud colours, flowers in my hair, glasses put away, and me, one leg on a chair, strumming and picking my old guitar. 
   Today I am the proud descendant of my gypsy-great-grandmother, or maybe just an ordinary member of the folk song army.

𝅘𝅥 𝆕 ♪ ♩ 𝆕 ♪ 𝅗𝅥 𝆕 ♩

Something that goes fast.
Maybe time's the first thing on my mind:
"Time, time, time is fast escaping me,"
Was the chorus to a song I once knew.
But I have not played it for years.

"Freight train, freight train going so fast"
Was another of the songs of my youth
We played this song most every night, 
It was certain to bring out the tears.

Now we never come together and play.
I sing alone to my rusty guitar: 
"Moving way too fast or much too slow."
And my children just cover their ears.

"And I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar
Spend it fast as I can"
It's true, money always go fast.
Raise your glass, happy Monday and cheers!

Jenny - The Procrastinating Donkey - has been listening to sugesstions and the theme for nest Monday will be: Leap Year.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Happy Monday, and i agree that money goes the fastest of all.

    1. There's a song anout this, I've been looking for, can't find it, but i agrees taht money disappears as fast as you get it. I'll have to look again - nothing worse than an earworm you can't sing but two or hree words of.

  2. Love it.
    For me it is time (that elastic trickster) which goes fastest of all - except when it is slower than a wet week.

    1. Thank you, and yup, time is elastic I agree, and is spent the fastest, except when at the dentist's or similar unpleasantness.

  3. Oh, those kids! They don't know a good thing when they hear it! :)

    I agree with EC - time goes fastest of all, except when it doesn't.

    1. It's my singing that makes them hold their ears ;) That's what they say at least. Time is a scoundrel.

  4. Wretched time. Fast when you don’t want it. Slow when you do! And there was a song we sang when watching trains go past. I’ve almost remembered...


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