søndag den 10. februar 2019

Back to the Classics ... Musings.

It seems this is going to be a reading season of serendipity.

January 1st I rolled a 2, telling me to read a 20th Century Classic. I read The Trapp Family, not because it fit the category, but because I kept on being reminded about it.

Then - having read the book early, I rolled a 7 - a Very Long Classic. But hunting for a long book, I stumbled upon Seven years in Tibet, a book I always wanted to read. It was not super long, but fit category 10 - Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia).

I then followed my own rule of rolling the die whenever I had read a book, and written about it. The die showed me a 1, a 19th Century Classic. Hunting for such a book, I found instead Three Hearts and Three Lions by Paul Anderson. Once again not suitable for the chosen category,  but for another one. Classic From a Place You've Lived as parts of the book is placed in Elsinore.

Today, following my new rule, I rolled a 4 - Classic in Translation. Maybe the category it's easiest to find a book for. Now I'm off to search, I'm curious as to what I'm going to find this time.

-- 📚 -- updated list -- 📚 --

 1. 19th Century Classic:  Alice in Wonderland

 2. 20th Century Classic: READ - Trapp Family Singers.

 3. Classic by a Female Author: ?

 4. Classic in Translation: ?

 5. Classic Comedy: Don Quijote

 6. Classic Tragedy. The Odyssey or The Iliad.

  7. Very Long Classic: ?

  8. Classic Novella: ?

  9. Classic From the Americas: Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer.

10. Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia):  READ - 7 Years in Tibet

11. Classic From a Place You've Lived: READ - 3 Hearts and 3 Lions

12. Classic Play: Jedermann.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing where your wanderings take you.
    I often wonder how much of the original is 'lost in translation' but my linguistically ignorant self will never know.

  2. The last translated book i read was Dante's Divine Comedy. Hope you find something you really enjoy!


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