mandag den 2. december 2019

Poetry Monday :: Humming

 Today is Monday, and Monday means Poetry. 
 Today's theme is Humming from Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey.
 Also participating are:
Diane, Mimi, and Merry Mae.

  The short form and strict rules of haiku speaks to me. But sometimes a haiku seems to serious, too big a form for my petty thoughts. Long ago I was taught that haiku is serious, a polished bauble, a small piece of frozen eternity - like a gem stone. 
  I needed a more flighty kind of short poem with simple rules too. The Elfje is the perfect counterpart.

Gentle sound
Busy bees flying
Pollinating flowers and trees.

Next Monday's theme from Diane At the Border is Phones.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ahh! The Elfje is a new form of poem for me. Thank you for the link to read more. I like your Elfje and agree - the sound of busy bees doing their work is something I love to hear.

  2. Thank you for continuing my poetic education. And for your beautiful Elfje. I do love bees, and am certainly grateful for their industrious ways.

  3. A lovely thought in a lovely form. It's a joy to hear the bees in the spring.

  4. Beautiful! I love the simple, elegant form of Elfje!
    Humming IS such a gentle sound.
    I love to sit in the garden and hear the bees, busy about their business.
    It is the sound!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.