søndag den 22. december 2019

Årets korteste dag - Winter Solstice

     I dag er det vintersolhverv. I dag er det årets korteste dag. Her er et billede af mt sædavnlige På vejen hjem-sted fra klokken lidt i 8 om morgenen.  Solopgang er det først om tre kvarter, nemlig kvart i ni.

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  Today marks the winter solstice on the Northern Hemisphere. It is the shortest day of the year. This photo was taken two minutes to eight in the morning. It is still dark. Sunrise will be at a quarter to nine.     

     En af vore med-landsbyboere er, som man her ser, meget glad for lys. De her lys brænder døgnet rundt på den mørke årstid. Uglemor er ikke en fan.

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   As you see some of our co-villagers are fond of bright lights, these lamps are lit around the clock during the dark half of the year, much to my dismay.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Happy Solstice to you and yours. I am quite pleased that we have just passed our longest day of the year, though the heat will continue (and amplify) for the next few months.
    First light is around 5 at the moment and the final light fades around 9 (assuming that the smoke doesn't block it out earlier).

  2. May we all take joy in the light, if not necesarily in the artificial lights.


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