mandag den 30. december 2019

Poetry Monday :: New Year's Resolutions

   Jenny has decided, that the last Poetry Monday of the year will have New Year's Resolutions as its theme. 
   Also normally participating are: Diane, Mimi, and Merry Mae.

 Why New Year's Resolutions never get made by me.
At New Year everything starts over
New calendar, new month, new numbers,
It's time for a serious makeover
It's time to drop all that encumbers.
Decide to diet, decide to train,
Decide  to run - also in rain.
Decide to clean,
And not be mean
And to say Yes,
Learn to play chess.
Eat you greens,
Enjoy the beans,
Forsake all meats,
And every sweet,
Here, have a beet!
At New Year everything is new,
 It's now we start as it should be!
The only sorry thing, you see.
I cannot buy a fine, new me!

The first theme of the new year is now decided by Diane On the Border. 
This time mysteriously: something that goes fast.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling.
    And we like the unimproved you. A lot.

    1. Thank you Elephant's Child. And the same to you :)

  2. I think we'll happily stick with the 'you' we've got! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Diane. But you only see the 'official' side of me, Not all the things I do not get done. But this is the me I've got, and I am still trying to improve slowly with small steps and a new start each morning.

  3. I think all of us are a "fine, new me" every day when we awaken. What we do with the day -- every day -- counts!

    Happy New Year, MotherOwl and family!

    1. Yes. :) We're a fine new me every bright new morning. ONly old habits take over, but I believe in new chances, new mornings ... and new 'me's - every day.
      Thank you Jenny_o

  4. That really made me smile! Yes, sometimes i could wish for a new me.


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