onsdag den 18. december 2019

No Words for Wednesday - December 18.

  This weeks prompt: Write a diary entry, dated 10 years in the future is brought to us by Cindi

  This is fun. Because  ... I have already some time ago written such an entry. It's dated "A day in the Spring of 2031". Not exactly 10 years, but close enough. It is the day Susan's husband is retiring. That day is going to bring a big change in Susan's and her husband's life.
  And, no, I'm not going to publish it ... I'm not even going to tell you any more. If I ever get my book written and published, I solemnly swear to send all of you, my encouraging WfW writers and prompt givers, a copy each. And should I die before this happens, the epilogue lies ready to be published here, and the how-to is written in my "notes to my family".

Susan as a grown up woman. Or is it me?

4 kommentarer:

  1. The magic lives in you, in your imagination, so yes, it's you, and it is Susan.

  2. I will assuredly hold you to that promise.
    And love the photo of the grown Susan (which ever of you it is).

  3. Susan/You is/are lovely! And I've made a note...

  4. I see Susan telling her tale as an old woman and passing along all her knowledge and ideas. That is a lovely shot of you/Susan. I hope you get your book publish someday.

    Have a lovely day.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.