tirsdag den 31. december 2019

The Prompts for Words for Wednesday 2020

  Now we know where all ther prompts for next year are going to allear. Here is the unfolded list. A cpmpact version have already appeared in my sidebar. 
  I hope to be able to continue Susan's story in the year(s) to come. 

January 2020: Mark Koopmans will be providing the prompts, but they will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

February 2020: River is providing the prompts on her blog.

March 2020: Mark Koopmans again. Elephant's Child is posting again.

April 2020: Elephant's Child will be providing the prompts.

May 2020: Lee will provide the prompts on her blog.

June 2020: Messymimi will provide the prompts on her blog

July 2020:Cindi will be providing the prompts on her blog again.

August 2020: Lissa will be providing the prompts on her blog.

September 2020: River will be providing the prompts again

October 2020: Messymimi again.

November 2020: Margaret Adamson and her friends will be providing the prompts, but they will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

December 2020: Elephant's Child again.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Mark's words are up - and very challenging.

    1. Thanks, yes they're challengeing - and a bit too modern-ish for my use. I'll have to think.


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