lørdag den 26. oktober 2019

Glad Verjmelding -- Happy Weatherforecast

     Normalt er vejrmeldingen på denne årstid ikke noget, der gør Uglemor glad. Heller ikke i dag, og så alligevel. Prøv at kigge nærmere på vejrmeldingen her:

-- 🌧️ --

 Normally the weather forecast is not making MotherOwl happy this time of year, but today is special. Look closer at this one.

Bedre Vejr & DMI
     Kan det ses? Mellem vejrsymbolerne for klokken 0 og 3 i nat? Der er lidt ekstra plads. Ja nemlig. ... Sommertids-uvæsenet  slutter søreme i nat!
     Hurra! Velkommen normaltid!

-- 🌤 --

 Do you see it? Between the clouds at 0 and 3 o'clock tonigth? There's some extra space. ... Yup, it's true. Tonigth we say bye-bye to Dayligth Saving Time!

3 kommentarer:

  1. We have just started our daylight saving time. Sigh. And the weather is all over the place, but mostly heating up. And rainless.
    Enjoy your extra hour.

  2. We have to put up with "summer time" for one more week. Enjoy your return to regular time!

  3. It seems most people are not into DST, funny that it's still implemented. I am enjoying our return, and hope that it's permanent. EU's talking (and talking, and talking) about abolishing it. Hopefully we won't get permanent DST ...
    @ Elephant's Child. Heating and rainless sounds great to me, I'd like to send you some rain, we met our yearly quota a week ago, and our laundry just never dries, sigh.


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