mandag den 14. oktober 2019

My Bucket List -- Part 2

Here I repeat a few lines from My Bucket List. And then I continue with my Have done list. It is very long.

So many places I haven't been
So many wondrous sights unseen!
• • •

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Oh, all these are but dreams and dust.
I have to stay at home, I must. 
The children, they have yet to grow,
Though I feel old, they are not so.

But I can sit me down and think
Of all the things I've heard and seen
And I can tell, here on the screen
What I have done. Well paint me pink.

I've sledged down a mountain side
Sat on a camel for a ride,
Shot guns and bows
And held a fire hose.
I have known feast and famine too
Gone hungry to bed
Not a crumb of bread
But live I did, learned to make do!

Seen forest fires and deserts grand.
I've been to many a foreign land.
How many? Well, I cannot count,
As many are no more around.
I've been shot at in Damascus once.
I've candied quince,
Dined with a prince,
And also stayed for days with nuns,

I've heard the nightingale at nights.
Seen jousting, mediaeval knights.
Heard Jessie Norman sing as young
and almost unknown, she was strong!
I have heard mastersingers sing
In Salzburg - singing of The Ring.
Heard Papageno win his love
The Queen of Night watched from above.

I've been to Khartoum Porto, Rome.
Eaten simit in Izmir, seen St. Peter's tomb,
Been to Dubrovnik before the war
and even wished upon a star.
I've eaten bread with beetles, yes!
At least in bread
they were baked and dead
In biscuits - well, I'll let you guess.

I've seen a lion, climbed a fence
I've made both enemies and friends. 
And walked along a coast of sand,
Played guitar in a country band.
Slept in a hut with palm leaf roof,
Swam in the Nile,
Met a crocodile
And cut myself - with scars as proof.

I've held newborn pigs
Harvested figs.
I've taught at school,
And rode a mule. 
I've been at sea one stormy night.
I've built a dome,
And made a home.
I've seen the Pyramids, a sight

I've climbed a mountain,
Changed a tire,
Ate Italian ice-cream
And hugged a friar. 
I have learned Japanese and French
Eaten olives from a tree
Been to jail and set free.
In Salzburg I've sat on a bench.

I've been to the Oktoberfest -
The pretzels were the very best.
I've crossed the polar line in May
It also snowed a bit that day.
Given birth to a child, yes even more,
Fed sheep and goat.
I've rowed a boat.
One night sold burgers in a store.

I've met the Pope
Walked a tight rope.
Worked in a trapeze.
And tended bees.
I've been to London, rode the tube,
Picked mushrooms in fall.
I've knit a shawl,
and learned to solve the Rubik's cube.

I've eaten many a strange meal
from brain of mutton
to balls of veal.
I must admit I am a glutton
For things I have not tasted yet.
The worst thing I have ever tried?
Is fat from goat's ears, cooked and dried.
And Surströmning I did regret!

I've worked at an assembly line,
And nearly drowned in tidal brine.
I drove a bus down hairpin bends,
so sharp that sparks flew from both ends.
I've swam at night into the sea
Been baked in sunshine, drenched in rain.
I've baked a bread from newcut grain
And pilfered mango from a tree. 

My life has been so full and long
And yet I feel it went not wrong.
It ends with a romantic word
The best is even to be heard:
I've been married more than half my life -
He is my man, and I his wife.

     - - 👵 - -

Now I feel old, The things so small -
I never used to see at all -
Now bother me, and ruin my day.
I think I have no more to say.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Now I’m writing that I want to be you on my bucket list!

    1. I think you might want to have been me ;) My life now is dull and everydaylike, and not the best healthwise. Maybe at least in part due to this list.

  2. This is a marvellous and varied list, MotherOwl. You have had an eventful life!

    And thank you for noticing that we covered the topic of "shoes" alrready. I've chosen a new topic: SOAP. Your soap-making posts inspired this topic!

    1. Yes, I was surprised as well. It has been fun, and scary ...
      Soap. Well yes, I think I can find a word or two ;) Thanks.

  3. What a grand idea, to take inventory of what you've already done, and my, that is a lot of adventure!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.