søndag den 13. oktober 2019

Blogger has mended its ways

  As often a bug report to Blogger or Mozilla does not seem to work. But when I complain on my blog the matter is resolved within a few hours, never more than a day. It might of course be coincidence - I rather believe it is 😀.
   Be it as it might. I can now replace my header, buttons and so on when- and however I like. Yay!

And maybe, just maybe you noticed my new soap-blog-button. (If not, scroll down) Lissa from The Memory of Rain has made it for me. If you like it, go and visit her blog - you can even throw in a comment to win a re-design of your blog header.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Lissa does beautiful work doesn't she? I saw your button on her blog and loved it. I am so glad (and not surprised) that you do too.

  2. Your blog looks great. Someday i need to work on remembering how to change mine, i forget every time i go to do it and have to learn over again.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.