tirsdag den 15. oktober 2019

Svampe -- Mushrooms

Vi var på skovtur i dag. Vi så masser af svampe. Vi plukkede en pæn portion svampe. Vi tog også masser af billeder. Her er et par stykker.

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Today we went to the woods. Today we saw lots and lots of mushrooms. Today we picked some mushrooms. Today we took a lot of photos. Here are some of them.

4 kommentarer:

  1. So many different kinds, i cannot tell what is good to eat and what isn't, although i am guessing that most of them are not good to eat.

    1. You passed the mushroom test. We brougth home only specimens of the two to the left in the last photo montage. 2 (maybe 3) of the other are edible, at least for most people.

  2. Beautiful things. I hope your harvest was bounteous.

    1. Thanks, We picked a heap of the black ones -- upper the left in the last photo montage -- and 2 of the prickly ones lower left.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.