søndag den 6. oktober 2019

Blogger has blown a fuse or something

 As we had a frost night MotherOwl would like to showcase the GardenOwl surrounded by this terrible beayty. But Blogger just gave me this error message: Invalid image url (uploading from my computer - no url's here!)  and removed my old header at the same time.
 Please imagine this in place of the Header.

     Her er det billede, der skulle have været øverst på bloggen.
     Blogger er nemlig  blevet kulret eller sådan noget.
     Da Uglemor forsøgte at lægge en ny header op med dette uhyggeligt skønne billede af Haveuglen i frostvejr, åd den det gamle og gav en fejlmelding, der gik ud på at billedet på min computer havde en ugyldig webadresse.

4 kommentarer:

  1. "Terrible beauty" is such a good description of frost. We have had several froats, too, and had to cover some of the flowers. I'm sorry Blogger is giving you problems. The picture is excellent - the two leafy plants just in front of GardenOwl are especially beautiful.

  2. Blogger is increasingly prone to hissy fits.
    I am sorry it vented its weirdness on you. Love your owl and the frost touched beauties.

  3. To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology. That's a beautiful photo of the lovely and destructive frost, i hope Blogger lets you put it where it belongs soon.

  4. Thanks for your support. It seems Blogger and Firefox is having a fight. IE can do it. I can't use IE exept for small things - this is thankfully a small thing ;)


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