mandag den 30. september 2019

Poetry Monday :: Beauty

  This Monday's theme is Beauty. given by Diane at On the Border. Last Wednesday I wrote of the opposite, because that was what met my eyes going to town. Today my eyes still long for architectural beauty, and this is mirrored in my poem.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
I must admit, as I get older,
Find beauty in the simple thing
A drop of dew, a golden ring
But also in a house - it's true -
Where doors and windows, chimney too
Yes even handles, bricks and stone
Sit in the place where they alone
Give pleasure to the watching eye.
And I must say that glass and steel
And concrete grey just make me feel
A bit more grey and cold inside.
My words not heard, at least I tried. 

Next Monday's theme is Paper, courtesy of Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Oh yes. Your poem reflects my heart. The little things are HUGE in my world, and sleek, shiny minalism is not for me.

  2. So much beauty. Just waiting to be discovered! Wonderful poem!

  3. You expressed this thing, that I also feel, so very well. Architectural beauty, as you called it, can be a source of great joy. Whoever thought that square concrete buildings and even steel appliances are attractive? Pah! :)

  4. It is just as easy to design something to be functional and beautiful as it is to design it to be functional and ugly, so i wonder why those who make things ugly do it. It's sad.

  5. so amazingly shared my friend :)

    simply you expressed your gratitude and positivism sublimely

  6. I have just joined Poetry Monday. What wonderful amazing talent. And even more so .... the wonderful amazing fun!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.