lørdag den 30. marts 2019

Flere overlevende -- More survivors

Den ukendte  --  The unknown

    Til start stod den i en balje vand på terrassen, men jeg læste, at den ikke tålte frost og væde, så jeg satte den tæt op ad huset. Den overlevede vinteren i fineste stil, som her man ser.
     Nu ville jeg så se, om den kunne plantes ud. Og så var skiltet væk ... og det er jo ikke en lykkekløver, som jeg huskede.
     En bøn om hjælp på Havenyt afslørede den som Trifolium repens purpurascens alias Trifolium repens atropurpureum, som jeg kunne genkende, da jeg så det.Det er en sort af hvidkløver med røde aftegninger, så den er allerede plantet ud.
This one lived in a bowl of water. I read on the plastic with name and so on, that it was not tolerant of frost or too much water.  I placed it right beside the door, watering it sparingly all through winter. And as can be seen it not only survived, it thrived.
Then I wanted to see if I could transplant it, or it had to be kept in a pot. The piece of plastic had flown away or been stolen by some animal. At least it was not there. And the name, I remembered, did not give this plant upon searching. I asked for help and got it at Havenyt (Gardening News - a forum etc. for organic gardening.) It is a Trifolium repens purpurascens alias Trifolium repens atropurpureum, the last name was the one on the pot - i recognized it. it's a clover and I'm sure very hardy. It has already been transplanted.

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De gamle kendinge --  The usual suspects

     Laurbærplanten overlevede sit sædvanlige vinterophold i vores badeværelse. Og som det kan ses på den lyserøde tandbørste overlevede skjoldlusene sammen med den.
The  Laurel survived its usual winter visit to our bathroom. My old nemesis - the wax scales - survived as well, as can be deduced from the presence of the pink toothbrush.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Clover is the first fresh food of spring, its root makes a great spring tonic.

    How i wish we could get rid of the harmful bugs so easily as to just freeze them.

    1. Can you eat clovers? I've got to try, but not those pretty reddish ones ;)
      Scales are not harmed by the cold, they're armoured ;) But maybe the baby scales suffered during the frosty night. I hope so.

  2. I have used toothbrushes on scale before too. Sigh.
    We lost a few plants in the summer that has just gone when they became crispy critters. I am glad your lovely clover species survived the cold.

    1. Toothbrushes are a great weapon. I'm happy to announce, that the clover survived the frosty night too.


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