onsdag den 6. marts 2019

Words for Wednesday -March 6 :: Time

Time ... I just could not continue Susan's story with this prompt. I wrote yesterday, but forgot to post. I autoposted back in time to make the reality fit my words.  

Time - the simultaneity of the different.

A part of the fun that is Words for Wednesday is the time when I get the prompts. When River or Elephant's Child are supplying them they are often up when it is still Tuesday afternoon here at my place. But when the prompts come from USA or Canada, it is sometimes Thursday morning here. And of course I think that my time is the right one, or almost the right one, after all I live only an hour east of Greenwich.

Right now, as I sit here and write, it is Wednesday all over.

The Writer just stood up from his work to make our before noon coffee, which we'll still drink inside, as Spring is not yet here. River and Elephant's Child in Australia are probably having their evening cuppa, enjoying the sunset in the Autumn breeze. Meanwhile in USA and Canada the new day has barely begun yet. I hope Delores, Mesymimi, and Cindy are still sound asleep, if not, they are very early risers. Not even WiseWebWoman has stirred yet I presume, as the sun has not yet cleared the horizon in Newfoundland either. I must say that I suspect Delores of autoposting the prompts, as they arrived a little past midnight her time - that is if I can do the maths.

10 kommentarer:

  1. And it is this time dilemma that makes me think when i post the prompts next month, i will post them on Tuesday my time so that others will not be waiting too long.

    1. Good thinking, will you then post at 8 am. Sydney time or ?

  2. I do rise early, but also stay up late. I was probably still awake one way or another when you were writing.

    1. My 10 pm is your 3 am (still presuming my math's right). I sure hope you slept at 3.30 am ;)

  3. You are correct. I pre schedule all my prompts a few weeks ahead of TIME. It's my sneaky little way of cheating time, beating time, fooling time.

    1. Also a way of not forgetting, or not posting because of life happening. Time is a strange friend, a tough master, and an even worse enemy.

  4. I'm in the US so I'm a day behind most times. sometimes I like to think other people are traveling forward in time while I stay put.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I suspected as much, but I was unsure, and that's the reason why you're not mentioned in this little essay.
      It is funny how we always think our own time is the rigth one.

      Thanks for comenting.


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