torsdag den 7. marts 2019

Nåle! -- Needles!

     Uglemor har arvet en nålepude. Den er ikke så stor, kun 7,5 cm. på hver led. Den passer perfekt ned i et af rummene i skuffen i Uglemors syskrin.
     Piraten sad og pillede ved nålepuden og hev den mindste krumnål, Uglemor nogensinde har set, ud af den.
     Der var flere nåle i den, fandt Uglemor ud af, da nålepuden stak hende i fingeren. Vi tog en magnet og fandt ud af at den sad fast i puden flere steder, der var altså mere end én nål gemt indeni.
     Med en lille dåse til at trykke på nålepuden, en pincet til at hive nålene ud, når de stak ud gennem stoffet, og en magnet til at tjekke for flere skjulte nåle, hev Piraten og Uglemor et helt utroligt antal nåle ud af den lille nålepude. Minimax skulle også lige være med, så da Piraten og Uglemor troede de var færdige, fandt han en stor lædernål inden i nålepuden.
     Og så var der ikke flere. Prøv at gætte hvor mange nåle der var i den lille nålepude. Svaret står under billedet.

-- 📍 -- 

MotherOwl has inherited a pin cushion. It is not very big, only 7.5 times 7.5 cm. but it fits perfectly into one of the partitions in the sewing drawer.
The Pirate played with it and pulled out the tiniest curved needle I ever saw. We found out that there were more needles inside the pin cushion, as it stabbed my finger. We found out that a magned adhered solidly to the pin cushion almost everywhere, meaning more than one needle inside it. With the help of a small tin for squeezing the pin cushion, tweezers for pulling out the protruding needles and not least the magnet to check for more MotherOwl and The Pirate pulled out an ungodly number of needles from the small pin cushion.
When finally we were done, Minimax played with pin cushion and tools and pulled a really big leather needle from the pin cushion. Then there were no more needles.
Try and guess before scrolling down. How many needles were hidden inside the small pin cushion?

Nålepude, magnet, pincet og hele femogtyve nåle! -- Pin-cushion, magnet, tweezers and twenty-five needles!
Hvis de ikke er der alle sammen, er    --  If they're not there all of them, it's just
det fordi den store lædernål stadig er indeni.  --  because the big leather needle is still inside.   

6 kommentarer:

  1. wow. Luckely you didn't sit on it accidently

    1. Ouch! I had not thought of this, yes lucky indeed.
      Thanks for visiting.

  2. I have an old-fashioned tomato pincushion (because I wanted one like my mother had) and I've noticed that it occasionally eats needles. But 25 hiding in that little pincushion is a huge amount!

    1. Tomato pincushions look harder to squeeze. I hope it does not swallow up too many of your favourite needles.

  3. Mercy, whoever first had that pin cushion lost track of a good many needles. One wonders how she had any left for using.

    1. My mother-in-law was an accomplished seamstress and knitter. I inherited all her needles and pins, and I have enough to last me several lifetimes. I think she would have been mising only that teeny curved needle, as I never saw anything like it.


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