fredag den 1. marts 2019

Words for Wednesday -- 27. February -- Unicorn Farm 24

 The prompts for February are provided by River at Drifting through Life.
1. passport
2. movies
3. puffed
4. complete
5. transport
6. bleach


1. avenue
2. helicopter
3. fair
4. clearly
5. foolishness
6. ability

Once again I wrote a small chapter from my magical autobiography. This time I had a hard time writing. A virus, passing around us coughing fits and a headache did nothing to improve on my inability to put either passport or avenue in my story. In the end I gave up, and now present it as it is.

The story continues where it left off last. 

Next morning Susan awoke in the dark. It was very early, very cold, and the rain had turned to snow. Susan went to the windows and looked out into a white world. It was snowing; blowing even more than on that infamous day where she braved a blizzard to buy sugar. And that had been on paved roads. Here on the island there were only footpaths through stubble-fields and copses and along the cliff with a sheer drop down to the beach. Clearly it would be sheer foolishness to brave the elements to get to the Unicorn Farm.
"Oy, Susan!" Heidi said from her bed. "Get your chin up. Have you forgotten that we're witches and wizards. Tue and Lis will bring us along, when they 'port there"
Susan's smile was enough to brighten even the darkest day. They woke up the rest of the magician's family with their happy shouts.

While eating breakfast with the whole family Susan placed the folder from Fontaine de Jouvence on the table, and asked if anybody had seen it before.
"But yes," Kai said, "that is one of several folders that  were handed out to the wizarding families in the beginning of the Christmas holidays. I did not like the place much, and put it somewhere on a table. It must have ended up in your books."
"I think I threw out the rest," Sandra added. "Those resorts are always priced much over our ability. And they have such an artificial feel. Complete with puffed up movie stars and blondes out of bleach bottles."  
Tue and Lis smiled at one another. "In the movies that man in the circle would be the villain," Lis said and pointed at Torben's friend.
"He sure looks the part," Sandra said. "Hmm, he reminds me of somebody. Someone I once knew. I think he has something to do with transport. A helicopter maybe. Oh bother. Look at the clock. It's time to run."

They quickly put on their scarves, boots, gloves and so on,  and Tue and Lis grabbed one of Susan's and Heidi's hands each. The now-familiar dizziness enclosed Susan and when the fog cleared, they stood behind the big bales at the Unicorn Farm.
They walked quickly into the barn, where they shed all the layers of clothes and dressed in the striped skirts and trousers of the Farm's school uniform.
Here their ways parted, Heidi, Tue and Lis all pulled on the short purple tunics that marked them as members of the transformations team and left the barn with Jon, the black Norwegian, that as always had something of the pirate over him.
Susan found a green tunic in the stacks, and looked around for more of the elements team. She spotted Marja and Josta, the fair haired Finnish sister and brother. They were soon joined by the tall Veronika, also from Denmark, Swedish Kalle and Anna, also brother and sister and cousins of Helge. Then Knud, alone of all in black tunic, came sauntering from somewhere in the back of the barn. Last came Kirstin and Rósa together with Gilvi and Thora, the professors. They were almost covered in snow. They hurriedly shook out their clothes, but still a fair amount of snow clung to them. When they too had donned the school uniform, Gilvi spoke to them all:  "Well my Elementarian apprentices. Let' get some snow magic on."

6 kommentarer:

  1. snow magic? sounds like fun, can't wait to read more on that.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Snow magic .. yes let's hope for good prompst come Wednesday.
      Thanks for visiting.

  2. Let's move into spring I say! Very descriptive piece.

    1. Oh, spring is around the corner, but snow magic is a part of winter's magic. Things have their time.

      Thanks for visiting.

  3. School and learning was mostly enjoyable to me, i hope they get some good lessons and have fun.

    1. School and learning is fun ... if only it wasn't for your co-students :( Fun - and serious business - will come.


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