onsdag den 13. marts 2019

Words for Wednesday -- 13 March -- Unicorn Farm 25

The prompts for March are provided by Delores at Mumblings. She has been treating us to a slew of rhyming words.
1. despair 
2. frizzy hair 
3. hot air 
4. impair 
5. repair 
6. midair
 This was exactly what was needed to bring my writing mojo back again. Thank you. 

Once again I wrote a small chapter from my magical autobiography. I did not use the words in the
order they were given, neither did I use them in the exact form. But they fit. 
The story continues almost where it left off last.  

Susan was about to despair. The snow was still swirling, whirling and dancing around her. She was suspended mid-air by ice rings, produced by Gilvi's magic and the snow was relentlessly whipping her all over. All her futile spells had only made the ice rings become thigther and more solid and made her hair go frizzy and wild, impairing her vision and adding to the whipping sensations. She was cold, not uncomfortably so, her feeble warming spell saw to that, but she felt the cold from the many small pin points where snowflakes brushed and melted against her skin.
All of a sudden it dawned upon her; She was trying too hard. She relaxed, trying to imagine a small jet of hot air emerging from the tip of her wand, warming her from top to toe, melting the ice rings and letting her free to move again. She looked down through hair and swirling snowflakes, saw green-white swirls beginning to form at the tip of the wand. Smiling she cheered them on, and they grew, caressing her arms, tingeing the swirling snow a gentle green, tickling her just a little bit. And first slowly then faster and faster the ice rings melted. Susan pointed her wand downwards, as she had been told to do, and descended, more like a snowflake dancing and swirling than like a human child.
Susan was comfortably hot now in the snow, she danced with the snowflakes in the meadow, over the fences and into the small copse of rowans near the school. This was snow magic! She had been told not to overdo her first trip, and she softly returned and came to rest near the big bales of straw on the other side of the barn. Some of the apprentices already stood there, only clad in the striped shirts or trousers and green tunics. All had small threads of lightly tinged snowflakes swirling from their wands, encasing them and keeping them warm. It was an eerie and wonderful sight. 
She saw a silver-white shower of snow coming at her over the bales, and My, the slim Norwegian girl, softly descended beside her. They smiled at one another, but kept quiet. Shortly after Rósa landed in a shower of golden snowflakes, and in a massive gust of bluish purple snow Terje alighted beside them. He was not the last one. For once Anna was the last. Her reddish snow was the most violently coloured of all, and she looked very tired. Martine expanded her swirls to encompass Anna as well, as her reddish swirls sputtered and died off. "I think you overdid it." Martine said. "Did you not hear Gilvi's warning?" Anna looked embarrassed, but was spared the pain of answering as Gilvi came up to them, pointing his wand at them. 
"That was impressing!" Gilvi's voice rang out. "You all did very well. Now get inside, there's hot cocoa and steaming buns for everybody." As an afterthought he added, "And no panic, Helge, I'll repair that fence!" Helge looked at him, rubbing his backside with a lopsided smile. 

17 kommentarer:

  1. This is lovely, wish I could write like that

  2. An enchanting story.....I hope next week leads you to further chapters.

  3. Hot cocoa and steaming buns are in order after all that!

  4. Magic snow and snowy magic, a lovely chapter.

  5. So very well done, can hardly wait for the next chapter!


    1. Thank you for your kind words. I'm getting totally spoiled with all this praise ;)

  6. I quite forgotten what I had read & had to go search for the previous chapter. it would be nice if you name each post with a number, I can't tell by the month & date & yes, I'm that lazy that I sometimes just scroll through posts and not pay too much attention

    this bit is fun, I think this the most fun use of magic and I like colorful snow.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Dear Lissa Will do. I have already numbered them for myself (this is chaper 25), so adding the numbers will ease my job as well.
      If you click the word "Magi" (= magic) in Etiketter (maybe = tags) youll have only this story - the same can be done by using the tabs Unicorn Farm, Unicorn Farm part 2 and 3 on top of the page.
      Thank you for your popping in and kind words.

    2. ... the tabs on top are even better, bacause the first chapters were not written chronologically, but in the tabs I put them in the rigth order.

    3. thank you for making it easier to read in order. honestly, I have noticed the tabs below your header but somehow my brain didn't quite see what I need to see.

      you call them tags - those things below the post -but I call them labels which is the same thing - I do know about this feature but sometimes I forget

      have a lovely day.

    4. Labels, yes, that's the word. Thank you. Of course Blogger spaks Danish to me so I had to find a blog with labels to look at ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.