onsdag den 7. februar 2024

Words for Wednesday & IWSG February 7

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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The prompts for every Wednesday in February are provided by Lissa, and made public at her blog.

For today we had these words:

1. soul
2. brilliant
3. breakfast
4. winter
5. moon

I just made a shortie featuring Sue and Bill, my default couple.

After some soul searching Sue had a brilliant idea. After breakfast she would suggest a winter holiday, where she and Bill went night skiing under the full moon.
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February 7 question: What turns you off when visiting an author's website/blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author's books? Constant mention of books?

My answer:
First the website/blog itself. Pictures or effects that move, sparkle, oscillate or in other ways do not keep still.
Black or dark background with white/light coloured letters. I cannot read because it looks like this after a few lines.
If you do any of this, you will not have me as a reader, sorry.

Contents: If the website/blog is nothing but a showcase for the author's own works, not telling of his/her toils, troubles, joys and everyday life. Or if said tellings are only a thin cover over self promotion.
Blatant feminism, speciesism, in short any  -isms will also quickly turn me off.
Also if the theme of the blog is only books, I will read but seldom.

I love blogs with stories, be it fictional or not. with life lived, with joys and sorrows.

7 kommentarer:

  1. You're quicker than me. I was going to tell you I have corrected brilliant (it was missing an i) but you've already done it. So sorry about that. It's very odd, my spellcheck didn't catch that the first few times and it only caught it when I spellcheck again when I went to write my story. I'm sorry for that.

    Night skiing sounds adventurous but I also think skiing during the day is dangerous. Good use of the prompts.

    Like you, I don't like white text on black background and certainly no sparkling affects on any site. An author's website is about the author so I would think they would post about their life and the books they write but I rarely visits author websites, most of them don't keep update to date.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks, At first I hit publish without spell checking. A thing I rarely do, but I was in a hurry. Five minutes later, I noticed another error, and ran a spell check. which caught 'Brillant' as well. My spell checker is set to British English, I do not know if this means anything.
      Not updating can put me off as well, but I keep revisiting blogs, I like, hoping the blogger has returned, and it does happen - rarely.

      Thanks for commenting - and the Words

      This comment was freed from spam prison.

  2. My story is very short this week too. And a bit sad.
    I avoid blogs that have moving/flashing pictures. There is one blog I read that has white on black, but I enlarge the print and take my time. I also cannot read yellow print on a white or blue or green background.

    1. If only we coiuld make blog creators have our eyes for half an hour ...
      Contrast is king!

  3. Sometimes a vacation is just what is needed.

    Too much flashing or movement is distracting.

    1. I think this might be a projection of my own wishes. I need a holiday.

    2. Freed this - my own! - comment from spam prison


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