torsdag den 8. februar 2024


Normally MotherOwl is not a political creature, but some news I just have to share

First: The Extinction Day Calendar:
Extinction Day Calendar - Meaning just this. The day on which the given species will most probably be extinct.

Temperatures and wet.

January was the hottest Janyuary - ever. I know, it's in Danish, but numbers and pictures speak all languages.
And here's one in English.
The tunnel at the station at the end of January. Since then the waters have only risen, ant there's now around 15 cm left until the water reaches the roof of the tunnel.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Heartbreaking. We're doing too little, too late.

    1. Yes, exactly. And I bet that those, mostly needing this calendar, never sees it.

  2. I would hate to have an extinction calendar on my wall. I know some species will become extinct, but I don't want a daily reminder that will make me miserable every time I see it.
    Why is there water under the bridge and why can't it be pumped out? Is it a flood from somewhere?

    1. I would too, and as I said to Mimi, those that need this calendar most, never see it.
      The last question has a long explanation. Our train station is build on low ground. Around 30 years ago, the whole caboodle was made new and the tunnel made. Since it has been regularly flooded every winter, but never this bad.
      They changed the bottom material one spring, then built pumps and large water pipes to drain it.
      Last autumn it was bad, they worked on it for 2 months, blocking half the road, bothering people trying to reach the train and the buses and all the traffic exiting town. It only became worse and worse.
      Latest news is that the pump is OK, but one of the tubes leading off the water has collapsed, and the other is not connected to the pump any more. In short only the passive drainage pipes are to do the job. And after the wettest winter and January ever, they are pitifully inadequate.
      A renovation will happen - in September!
      If they tried to pump it off, more water from the surrounding areas would just find its way in there as fast.
      If I was to decide, they build a bridge over the tracks instead.


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