søndag den 18. februar 2024

Søndagsbilleder :: Sunday Selections :: Colour24

Our Graphite Black earth is bringing forth colour - and is a terrific backdrop.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I wish I had black earth. Four houses ago, I lived in a rental that had rich black earth in the entire long backyard. I planted vegetables that grew wonderfully well and the other side of the yard had fruit trees and grape vines. We were in heaven! I wish we had stayed even after the husband moved out, we would have managed somehow. But I couldn't see it at the time and looked for a place with cheaper rent. The upside of that was a house with the best peach tree in the world!

    1. Black earth is good. Our topsoil is black (when we treat it well), with clay that can be used for pottery below.
      Your four houses ago sounds like a paradise, but a heavenly peach tree is not half bad. I hope you still have a nice garden.

  2. I only wish I had a green thumb. As I do not, I enjoy seeing the beauty in what you grow.

    1. Thank you - my indoor plants are of the can-not-be-killed variety because I tend to forget all about them all summer :)


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