lørdag den 17. februar 2024

Words for Wednesday :: February 14th

Uh-oh, I'm terribly late, but today the sun is shining, Yippie, and I feel better than the meh! I've been feeling lately from the cold. I had my yummy tea and breakfast, and woo, writing happened.

Now I already used all of the Words given us by Lissa which are:

1. meh
2. woo
3. yum
4. uh-oh
5. yippee

But I won't cheat you out of the story I actually wrote for today. A long time ago - back in March 2019 - I began writing of a weekend filled with Snow Magic (or you can read the whole chapter here). That is, all I ever got to write was Friday evening and most of Saturday. The beginning of Sunday is here, and I hope for more to come. As I've said a few times before -- maybe a hundred or thereabout -- I'm good at beginning, but no as good with endings. Here's to hoping.

Susan woke up in the semi dark even before the alarm clock rang with a happy feeling. Today was Sunday, she was at the Magician's house at Unicorn isle. The weather was still meh, but today she knew better than to agonize and worry over this, Tage and Lis would see them safely to the Unicorn farm via a teleport. Woo, they would not have to fight their way through the snowdrifts with the heavy sleet biting their cheeks.
Quickly she dressed in the cold, awakening Heidi in her bed near the window. "Morning, Susan," she whispered.
"Morning, Heidi," Susan whispered back. "What time is it?"
"Only half past seven," Heidi answered sleepily. "Time to dress an so on before mom's breakfast is ready."
"Yum," Susan said. "I love your mum's breakfast."
"It's even better on Sundays," Heidi replied,  "just you wait and see." She rose and stretched and began dressing. Uh-oh," she exclaimed, There's a hole in my sweater. Old aunt Margit knit it for me, and  I really like it. Bugger, Mom will be sad as well."
"If your Aunt Margit knit it for you, I'm sure she knew you," Susan said with a teasing smile, " ... and if, I'm sure there's a small ball of yarn somewhere for repairs."
"There is," Heidi admitted, it is in my sewing basket, but I'm not good at repairs."
"I am," Susan said. "Sewing, that is mostly repairing holes and zippers, are the only textile skills I'm good at. My knitting is terrible, and my crocheting worse. I drove my teacher and a class mate to despair trying to teach me granny squares. I ended up having woodworking with the boys! But I see the meaning in good repairs. Hand me the thread and a needle. I'll get it done before breakfast."
Yippie! You're a hero, Susan. Here, catch!"  Heidi threw the sweater at Susan.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I'm always late for wfw so it's no big deal.

    I thought perhaps Susan would use magic to repair the sweater but I guess they still have to do things the human way which is not a bad thing. Good use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I'll give you Jon's answer from when Susan asked moslu the same question: "As with cleaning and many other things, it would be, well not easier, but better using mundane means. You would expend loads of energy going that far, and would be sleeping for days after arriving. It gets easier with practise, but never easy."

  2. I am so glad Susan is able to repair a loved old sweater and I am wondering what was for Sunday breakfast too.

  3. Like Susan, most textile work is beyond me. Small repairs I can often do.

    I'm looking forward to the next segment, what's for breakfast?

    1. Susan is like me too (she IS me ;) ) so mending is a practical thing, like baking, and woodworking, but larger projects ... no way ;)
      Next segment is eluding me, I need an idea - apart from a nice Sunday's braeakfast at the Magician's House.


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