fredag den 9. februar 2024

Fredagsfrustration - virkelig vred!

I dagens nyheder er der denne her:
     Hvorfor fanden har vegetarer/veganere den slags rettigheder, når jeg som allergiker og intolerant indlagt på sygehuset ikke kan få noget som helst at spise, fordi der ikke tages hensyn til den slags?
     Undskyld mig, men vegetarer bliver altså ikke decideret syge af at få lidt kød, hvor allergikere faktisk risikerer mere eller mindre alvorlige reaktioner fra mavepine, hjernetåge, svimmelhed, opkastninger til allergisk chock.
     Jeg bliver da nødt til at finde ud af, hvor man får den lovgivning udstrakt til naturligvis også at gælde allergikere, før jeg rammer plejehjemsalderen.

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In English
Vegetarians and vegans obviously have a rights to have vegetarian/vegan food while in hospitals, kindergarten and so on.

This makes me pissed off because I and others like me - suffering from allergies and intolerances - are often unable to eat anything at a hospital.

And bugger it vegetarians or vegans won't get seriously ill from eating something containing butter or other animal products, whereas people suffering from allergies will get reactions ranging from stomach ache, brain fog, dizzy spells, vomiting, to full blown anaphylactic shock.

I'll have to find out where to have this legislation also available for allergies and intolerances before I get to the age where public care is needed.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Many people are vegetarian or Vegan because they DO get ill from certain foods, but I agree you need some sort of legislation to enable the foods YOU can eat if you need to be in care of any kind.

    1. I can only speak for me, and all the vegetarians/vegans, I ever met were of the ideological kind. I met one meat-intolerant person, and she presented herself as that, as she ate eggs, dairy, fish, honey and other animal food, only not meat. I'd like for all to eat what they like/do not get ill from eating. What really makes me angry here is the militant ways of the vegans. There's not much "live and let live" here, more "my way or the highway".

  2. You are right. If someone in the hospital will get a low sodium diet for high blood pressure, or a diabetic diet, or whatever, if you are intolerant of some foods you should be provided foods you can actually eat.

    1. Too right. And muslims get pork free food, too (they so should!).

      Freed from spam prison.


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