lørdag den 6. januar 2024


The Colour24 Challenge will stay. Sorry to be late for the first Words for Wednesday.
The relevant Colour24 of the month will be (is already) posted as the lowermost gadget in the rigth hand sidebar. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. I pray you are healing up.

    Clay brown, I'll look and see what color our clay is here.

    1. My clay at least is not brown - it's called blue clay, but it's more greyish than blue.
      I am healing, but I'm very impatient, so far too slowly for my liking ;)

  2. I hope by now the operation is over and you are healing well. I shall check the colours and save them to my computer.

    1. Yes, Thursday was surgery - in the middle of a snowstorm ;) I'm healing, but I'm not very patient, so ...
      I'll just post the new colour on the last day of each month.
      Clay brown sounds like a boring one to me, but we also need boring colours to make the others pop.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.