søndag den 14. januar 2024

Sunday Selections :: Clay Brown

The colour of January is Clay Brown. Is clay brown? Here it is a bluish grey.
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  Januars farve er lerbrun ... er ler brunt? Her er det blågråt.

I set out to prove that Clay Brown need not be boring.

We have been treated to a period of cold weather. Really cold with temperatures only just above freezing and really cold (-15 C) during the nigthtime. I love this. I love when winter is winter and I look forward to more snow promised tomorrow.

Here some photos from the last week and a half.

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     Jeg har sat mig for at bevise at lerbrun ikke behøver være kedeligt.
     Vi har haft en herlig, vinterlig periode i den forgangne tid. Kolde, klare dage og endnu koldere nætter. Jeg elsker det! når vinteren er vinterlig, og jeg ser frem til mere sne og frost i de kommende dage.
     Her nogle billeder fra de seneste 10 dage.

Frozen walnut dye  --  Frossent valnøddefarvevand

Fieldfare, eating the fallen apple -- Sjaggerne spiser vore nedfaldsæbler

Frosty leaves, mostly beech --  Frosne blade, mest bøg

More frosty leaves --- Flere frosne blade

Even more frosty leaves --  Endnu flere frosne blade

Ivy in the frost -- Frossen vedbend

If you need an excuse for not cutting down everything in the autumn, in my opinion hoarfrost is the perfect excuse.

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Hvis man skulle have brug for den perfekte undskyldning for ikke at klippe alt ned i efteråret. synes jeg bare rimtåge er lige i øjet.

Our old apple tree with clematis in the frost -- Vores gamle æbletræ med klematis i frostvejr.

Bronzefennikel i frost  --   Bronze fennel in the frost.

Teasels in the frost  --  Kardeboller med frost

Some weed in the frost  --  Ukudtsplante i frostvejr

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My view Friday morning  --  Min udsigt fredag morgen

5 kommentarer:

  1. Be-yoot-iful photos. And cooling. Thank you.
    Here today it is grey and damp. The rain is welcome.

  2. You find the beauty of winter all around you.

  3. I love the look of frosted plants but Don't like the temperatures that bring the frost.
    Much of Australia has clay soil, South Australia, where I live has "reactive" clay soil which expand when it rains and shrinks when it dries creating deep fissures in the empty lakes and causing the foundations of houses to shift creating cracks in the walls, you should see the crack in my bedroom! It had been repaired but is opening again. And it is brown, but lighter than the colour you have pictured. Almost orange.

  4. More modern homes than mine get built with "expansion gaps" between certain sections of the outer brickwork, so when the soils expand the "expansion gap" closes a little and when the soil dries, the gap exands to its original width, usually only a couple of centimetres, this makes sure the internal walls don't develop cracks.

  5. Aah, jeg elsker rigtig vinter! Jeg er saa misundelig - her (i London) har vi haft det koldt men ingen sne. Heldigvis skal jeg til Norge paa vinterferie og der faar vi dejligt med sne!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.