mandag den 15. januar 2024

Poetry Monday :: Requirement

Today's theme for Poetry Monday is Requirement. Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane at On the Border. But from last Monday, January 8, 2024, Messymimi and I have conspired to keep the chair warm for her, as she's taking a break due to health issues. We will each set the topics for one month, I begin with January, Mimi is gong to tackle February, and so on until Diane returns.

Requirements? The old Pandaren in World of Warcraft says it perfectly: "Family. Friends. Food. These are what matter most." But that's not a rhyme. So I did my best here:

Requirement is what we need -
House, family, something to eat.
And tea or coffee, something sweet
without them life is hard to meet.

Requirement is what we need
And all the daily, dreary deed
And valorous, heroic strife
are both requirements for life.

Requirement is what we need
a tree to plant, to sow a seed.
The large and small of everyday
Is all we need to do and say.

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Upcoming topics:

January 15: Requirement (today)
January 22: Teacher
January 29: Flight

February 5: Basket
February 12: Toes
February 19: Spice
February 26: Ants

4 kommentarer:

Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.