mandag den 1. januar 2024

Words for Wednesday 2024

Where will the Words for Wednesday prompt appear in 2024

JANUARY: Elephant's Child will provide the prompts on her blog.
FEBRUARY:lissa has offered to provide the prompts.They will appear on her blog.
MARCH:River is providing the prompts on her blog
APRIL: Elephant's Child will provide the prompts on her blog.
MAY:David M Gascoigne is providing the prompts and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
JUNE:Hilary Melton-Butcher is providing the prompts and they will be at Elephant's Child's blog.
JULY : Charlotte (MotherOwl - me) is providing the prompts here.
AUGUST:messymimi is providing the prompts on her blog.
SEPTEMBER:River is providing the prompts on her blog.
OCTOBER:Sean Jeating is providing the prompts which will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.
NOVEMBER:Alex J. Cavanaugh is providing the prompts again and they will be
at Elephant's Child's blog.
DECEMBER:Wisewebwoman is providing the prompts on her blog.

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