søndag den 30. oktober 2022

Sunday Selections :: Søndagsbilleder (30/10)

Vi starter i den gnavne ende. Sådan her ser infoskærmene på stationen ud, når højttaleren lige har fortalt, at toget til Hillerød ankommer, forsinket om 10 til 12 minutter, hvilket det da også gjorde.

-- 🕦 --

We start with a grumpy MotherOwl. This is what the info screens told us at the station this morning. The loudspeaker had just announced that the train to Hillerød was delayed and would arrive in 10 to 12 minutes, which it did!
Denne her tæller altid bare ned.           Men denne her - den skulle opdatere i live-tid, helt af sig selv.
Der er nogen, der skal indtaste           Det er så ikke OK, vel?
noget, før den viser korrekt,
så den er undskyldt.
  -- 🕙 --
This one is just an automatic               But this one is one of those fancy-pants updating in real time
count down thingie, someone            info-media screens.  
has to press some buttons for             This is not OK.
it to be correct.
I did not expect better here.

-- 🍂 --

Ja, vi kom for sent til messen, og kirken var fuld!
På vej hjem havde togene næsten indhentet sig selv. Det var kun sølle to minutter forsinket. Men det er da også nok, når buschaufføren i den bus, vi skal nå, er af "køreplanen skal overholdes for enhver pris"-typen. Vi så bussen køre, da toget rullede ind på stationen.
Så har vi tre valg, vente en time på næste bus, gå hjem (hvilket tager 55 minutter), eller tage en taxa.

  -- 🕤 --

Of course we were late for mass, and the church was packed today.
On our way back the trains still had slight delays - we're talking two minutes here. And of course the bus driver on the bus we had to catch from Helsinge going home, was of the "Go by the rules" kind. He left the station, as the train arrived. We saw it depart. One hour wait, walk home  (55 minutes walk), or take a taxi.

-- 🍁 --

Og nu til de gode og smukke ting. Sommertiden endte i nat. Nu passer uret på væggen igen med mit indre ur.

-- 🕔 --

And now for the good and beautiful things. Daylight sawing time ended tonight. Now the clock on the wall once again fits my inner time.

Da vi tog afsted, tog jeg et billede af vores busstoppested

In the morning I took a photo of our bus stop.

Denne puppe hang der nemlig - gad vide, hvad den bliver til.

This chrysalis was hanging around - I wonder what it'll turn into.

-- 🍃 --

Senere på dagen tog Uglemor på en cykeltur for at se til andemaden i de små vandhuller langs den nye cykelsti.

Later in the day MotherOwl went on a bike ride to check out the duckweeds in the waterholes along the new bike path.

Jeps her gror de.  --- Yes in this one they're growing.

Se hvor fint vandet ser ud, man kan faktisk se bunden noget af vejen. 

Look at the water here, you can see the bottom for quite a way towards the deeper parts.

Her ville andemaden ikke gro, og vandet er uklart og fuldt af alger

The duckweeds did not thrive here. The water is murky and nasty with algae growing between the plants to the left.

Uglemor stoppede øverst på bakken og nød udsigten ud over markerne mod vest (der er lige et hjørne af uglemors cykel med på billedet).

MotherOwl stopped at the top of the bike path and looked out over the fields to the West (MotherOwl's bike can be seen in the lower left corner).

Så fyldte Uglemor lommerne med frø fra grøftekantens smukke blomster, De skal med hjem og sås i det vilde hjørne.

MotherOwl saw some pretty flowers on the banks of the waterholes and filled her pockets with seeds to be sown in her wild corner.

Næsten hjemme faldt Uglemor over denne her svamp, den er gammel og garanteret fuld af orm,, men den er flot (Uglemors cykel er med på billedet igen), og det er ved at blive mørkt.

Almost home again, MotherOwl found this mushroom, old and full of worms, but still pretty (notice the bike here too). And it's getting dark.

I tusmørket gik Uglemor rundt i haven og så: En døvnælde i blomst,

While darkness fell, MotherOwl walked her garden and saw: A deadnettle still flowering,

stokroser, der også stadig blomstrer,

hollyhocks also still flowering,

en kardebolle med masser af frø til sultne stillidser,

a wild teasel with lots of seeds for hungry goldfinches,

et lækkert æble på plænen, men hvad er nu det?

a tempting, red apple om the lawn ... but now what?

Der er vist nogen, der har fundet en genvej til æbler!

Somebody found a shortcut to apples!

Og vores Maria-relief uden én eneste blomst. Undskyld. I morgen, den sidste dag i oktober, skal der nok komme nye blomster.

And our relief of the Virgin Mary, with nary a flower, in October. Sorry, tomorrow, the last day of October, I'll remedy this.

Indenfor huskede jeg også at tage et billede af en træ med masser af tyske klokker.

And lastly inside again, I remembered to take a photo of this 'tree' filled with German bells.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Despite the frustrating start to your day you found and shared beauty. Thank you for that.

  2. Most days are a mix of good moments and difficult moments. Your beautiful good moments were good indeed.

  3. that was a very pretty bike ride. I love the tree of German Bells. Shame about the bus taking off just as the train arrived. I remember days long ago when the bus where I was living had a scheduled stop at the train station and would always wait for the train to depart in case people wanted to get on the bus. The wait time was factored into the schedule.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.