torsdag den 13. oktober 2022

Kort nyt -- Small News

Solen skinnede og jeg var i haven for at samle nedfaldne valnødder. Men hvad var nu det? Bordet i haven, hvor jeg havde stået med min hør, så sjovt ud. Se selv.

The sun was shining, I went into the garden to pick up the walnuts that are falling right now. The garden table, where I did my flax-things caught my eyes. Now what? Look here.

Det er mit gamle bord, fuldt af mos, revner og alt muligt. Men det er stadig solidt nok, så vi bruger det til have-arbejdsbord - og til at supplere det nye med, når vi er mange.

This is my old garden table, full of cracks, overgrown with moss, but still sturdy enough to be used for working in the garden and for garden parties when we're many.

Hvis vi går tæt på, kan vi se at nogle af hørfrøene er spiret nede i revnerne.

A closer look shows that some of the flax seeds began to grow in the cracks.

--- 🌱 ---

Og som tidligere lovet, et blik på et fed garn farvet med masser af skønhedsøjer.

And as promised a hank of yarn dyed with a lot of Coreopsises.

Og en lille vits fra Blogger. Jeg har lige måttet lukke en af mine egne kommentarer ud af skammekrogen.

And a small joke courtesy of Blogger. I just had to let one of my own comments out of the spam filter.

8 kommentarer:

  1. That's a beautiful shade of orange!
    I have wheat seeds and something else growing in my lawn from where I throw out the uneaten seeds I put out for the birds. I'm going to have to start throwing them in the bin instead

    1. Let'em grow, they make food for the birds all natural. One year we had a hemp growing next to out front door from birds' seeds (growing hemp is illegal in Denmark), but no police came visiting and it was very big and beautiful and the bees and butterflies loved it.

  2. I have also had to release my own comments from spam jail.
    Love that lots of coreospis shade, and hooray for new life.

    1. Happy that I'm no alone, pure stupidity, why should we spam ourselves ;)
      Thanks, I had hoped for more red, but too much yarn and too few flowers, I think. Seeds are hope incarnate.

  3. Seeds are determined little things.

    That's a very pretty yarn color.

    Just when i think Blogger is done with putting the same commenters in the spam bin day after day, it starts up again.

    1. Blogger *Shakes my head* They'll just never learn.
      Thanks, I tried for red, but this is fine too.
      And yes seeds are tenacious, wonderfully so.

  4. Wow, what intense colour! At what temperatures did you cook the flowers and dye the yarn? In my experience fresh flowers give more intense colours whereas dried flowers give colours that are not exactly saddened as is the case with iron postmordanting but somehow muted.

    1. I do - as almost always - premordant in 20 % alum and simmer at 80 Celsius for an hour. This is dried flowers, sometimes I use them fresh (not much difference with COreopsiis) and sometimes I stuff petals and yarn in a small container, as this gives a splotchy, variegated look, which I like.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.