lørdag den 22. oktober 2022

Valgplakater -- Election Posters

Man må ikke, som i slet ikke, tegne og male på eller på anden måde ødelægge valgplakater. Og det er altså lige meget hvor fristende de er. Så er det jo heldigt, at man kan tegne på sine egne fotografier af valgplakaterne 😆
     De fleste af dem er nok kun morsomme, hvis man taler dansk (og måske lidt svensk) og er over 30 i hvert fald.
Men alle må kigge.
     De har fået deres egen side, og det kan være. at der pludselig kommer flere.

-- X -- ☑ -- X --

You are not, as in totally NOT allowed to draw on or otherwise harm any election posters. No matter how tempting this might seem.

Luckily my own photos of election posters are not forbidden territory.
I drew, here are the results - most of them are only funny if you know some Danish (and Swedish) and are older than say 30 years, but anyway.

They have been given their own page, and maybe the collection will grow.

Med hensyn tilselve valget er Uglemor meget pessimistisk.Hun forudser, at både Svampebob og Kagekonen*) kommer ind og nok skal sætte deres uhyggelige præg på den kommende regering.

MotherOwl's prediction: The coming election will see more anti-immigrant rigth-wing politicians with a say in the Danish Folketing than before. She is not optimistic. 

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*) nej, ikke fru Bager, hende den anden - gå HER og scroll ned til den 13.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. The anti-immigrant right wingers are far too prevalent (and noisy) world wide. A blogging friend (in the US) uses the election material that arrives in her mail box to line her kitty litter trays.

    1. Sounds like a great use for this. Noisy is a good word for those [censored] people.
      The lady on the cake - if you followed the link - is one of the worst. She was sentenced to 60 days in prison (to be served at home with some digital device) for anti-immigrant legislations against the law. That's what my cake is celebrating.
      She's running for Folketinget (our Parliament) this election as her punishment's over and done with. I fear her popularity and half-truths. I have made no mock posters of her, as 1. she's not on any posters here in my part of Denmark and 2. she do not inspire me either. I dislike her too much for making fun of. Kitty trays are too good for her.

  2. Of all the horrors around the world, i fear politicians most.

    1. Yes they are dangerous. I feel a deep unease these days, oftehwondering if the normal German in the 30es felt like I do now.

  3. you have a new header picture, I like it :)

    1. Thanks, I change it - or thry to -- to mirror our seasons.


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